hello all

Jun 11, 2005 17:50

hey everyone wow its been along time since i last up dateded but ive never had time and wen i try people r talking to me i cant even write one word let alone a whole journal thingy but N*E*WAYS dang tonite at 9:30 2 1:00a.m im going to b at my friend vasas quince after party yup and talking about vasa shes the one i said had cancer and they gave her 3 m to live but they changed it it turns out that the cancer didnt get to spred and so theyve stoped it for now and now she has a year and more and if eveything keeps going well like it is no then they will beat it is that so kool i think so and tonite we r going to party all nite well atleast till 1 lol......... and how all that shit happened wit clinton its still kinda going on b cuz steves always wit clinton so i call clintons cell to talk to steve and clinton gets all mad and yells and all this other shit its so stupid cuz hes the one that went out wit me for a bet but yea bring up steve me and him have been going out for 3 m and 2mmarrow it will be 3m and 1 w its so kool i like him alot and even though we dont c each other as much as we would like i think its good and bad bad bcuz hes my bf and i never get to c him and good bcuz u know how wen some couples r 2gether they c each other 2 uch then they fight cuz the get on each others nervers i dont want that to happen wit me and steve........... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy godddddddddddddddd i found out that wen i went out wit clinton there was no bet cuz steve asked that dude that "bet" clinton and he said wat the hell r u talking about i never bet him i dont even know megan y would i bet him it turns out that clinton made that up cuz one of his friends from the roping that know me made fun of him so he said that it was a bet thats the only reason hes going out wit me isnt that funny he cares wat his friends think of who he goes out wit and then he got cought and he told me one day wen he and steve came over here so i could c steve and then they had to go back to cories cuz steves mom and dad were there and then corie and steve went out side and then clinton stayed inside for a minand hes all megan i want u to know that there was no bet i really liked u and i was all lol and then he left isnt that such bull shit hes so dumb and its was so funny wen they came cuz he thought he was going to do something wit corie and corie wasnt going to do anything cuz she doesnt like him and then he took my chair i was sittingin and then steve took cories so corie sat on a rockand i sat on steve and the clinton wisperd to steve r u going to fuck her if so then i can go a way wit corie and leave u to alone and i heard him even though he thinks i didnt but steve punched him so hard it was so funny then i told corie and she started laughing so hard and clinton was so conffued cuz he wanted to play truth or dare so he could do something wit corie but we all kept saying truth and he was getting so mad cuz he didnt know steve told me wat he wanted to do and that i told corie and he was all buttt hurt...........and to talk about something eles i cut my hair now eveyone who didnt know take a deep breath its not really short its just 2 inches below my shouler and it looks nice i think its a change though and it will grow back so everyone calm down thank u lol............ man i have alot planed for this summer on the 24th -the 27th of this mounth im going to ft stockton wit kelsey and ashley and thats going to be fun then wen i get back the first week of july me candice and my mom and dad r going to dallas to c my bro and do other stuff then we we ge back i might go wit candice to chcigo but thats if we dont go to dallas at the same time but hopefully we dont cuz that would sux cuz then me and candice wouldnt b 2gether booo hooo!!!!! wow this is getting really long ive never ever writen this long kool just hopefully i dont close it that would suz cuz ive done it befor....................................... wow soon im going to be starting high school oh no its so scary not j/k im ready for it i think but i hate that alot of my friends went to a different school but aleast some r goingto parkland andill get to c them awwwwww man stupid school candice might not get to go to parkland cuz its stupid but shes still trying i hope she can go i dont want to go to a differnt high school then her like we had to do wit middle school it suxed....... booooooooo stupid school......... man i think this is pretty long so im going to go bu bye
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