Sep 22, 2006 08:53
So last night MarySusan and I went to this evening of recollection with Sarah Schloss. Sarah and her husband Pat are from Madison, WI and just moved here maybe 8 months ago and they come to the Newman Center. They have three adorable kids! Mary is 5 and is so expresive with her face it is so cute and funny. Patrick is 3 and is deaf but he has internal implants and then this device he wears on the outside of his ear, so he can hear!! He is like any normal child and I think it is so fasinating and wonderful. And then Joe is 1 and a half, and he can be quite the terror. And she is pregnant with their fourth. And they've only been married 6 years, and there was a really sad miscarriage in there yeah, great wonderful young Catholic family. And so she invited us to go with her. It's at this one Church and hour away and she goes every third Thursday of the month. We had a really great time talking the whole way there and it was so nice...there was a little reflection, Confession, was really nice to get away and do something (without students...because as great as it is, we need to refresh ourselves because it is draining) AND....this explains the subject of this post, guess who I saw there?!?! Yep! Alex Schrivner's girlfriend!!! Or ex-g/f?? Does anyone know? Anyway, it was Ashley (I don't know her last name but I do know she dated him at one time...good friends with Rachel..) and I recognized her right away and I think she recognized me too. We didn't get a chance to talk after because we left pretty quick, but it was just so funny and random to see her! There wen't many people there at all, maybe 15 and to see her out of all things! When we got back in the car I told Sarah and MarySue there was a girl there I went to Christendom with and they were like, "What?!?!?"
On the way back we stopped at a Dunkin Dounuts. Sarah said she loves to stop whenever she does this drive. She was so cute and funny. We always see her with all her kids and trying to keep them quiet in Mass and feeding them down in the Cafe afterwards and so it was cool just to hang out with her. She appears to be this quiet, calm mother, which she is, and it's great, but she has a wild side too! We passed this small country town fair on the way out and it had all these rides and you know, a normal carnival thing and she was like, "so does anyone want to get back at midnight tonight?" And then driving back home around 9, when we passed it again it was closing down and she was like, "what? It's only 9:00!!" She was just lots of fun. She was probably enjoying some girl company too. There aren't really other young good Catholic families around here...
Well, that's my lil' tid-bit for today! If anything else exciting happens, I'll let ya know:)