Sep 13, 2006 20:00
Well hello everyone! I am disappointed in myself for not keeping up with posting...but at the same time, I'm not surprised. The weeks FLY by. Seriously, by the end of the day, I can't believe I am already climbing into bed exhausted when it feels like I just woke up. And I have been going to bed late and waking up's just been insane. So insane, I have acutally drank a couple cups of coffee! I know, can you beleive it! I HATE coffee! Never drank it in college. But I've heard this happening to a couple other missionaries too! They didn't drink it all through college and then, what you know. Living the life of a FOCUS missionary made them cave in. But really, I don't intend to keep it up. It's not good for my health.
I never posted about moving here, or about my new place or what it's been like, etc. Very very sad. So to sum it all up very briefly and not do it any justice at all: moving here went very well. The trip was the easiest drive I have ever done. Straight accross NY on the 90 and then it becomes the MassPike and then you get off on Rt 91 and then take the exit for Amherst! So there you go, you can all come visit me:) But my apartment is great! I LOVE it! And I am really enjoying having my own place. It's fun to go out and get the mail, go grocery shopping, cook and have my own little cozy room. I'm suepr excited because my mom, dad, Christina and Maureen are coming out to visit me on the 23rd and then my grandparent's are coming out on the 30th. I'm really excited to show them around.
So since we have been here what have we been doing?? Well, where to begin!! THe first two weeks were spent having alot of planning meetings with our team to figure out and plan events for the year. And we were just doing alot of settling in and getting everything in the apartment set up. MarySue and I went and bought desks too. I had been on the floor working at my desktop for a week and a half, and developing such a sore back I was ready to drive down to see Mrs. Flippen....but then we found the prefect ones, and for a great deal too.
Oh and I have a red tea kettle. My aunt and uncle got it for me as a going away present. For all of you who saw my red teapot, this tea kettle is just as wonderful. I love it.
Then last week and this week have been hard core outreach!!! We have been out on campus alot and have met alot of students! We have been doing surveys which is where we go into the student center and down the middle, from one end to another, it is lined with tables on either side. All of the Student ORganizations come out with all their info and flyers to pass out. The students walk through on their way to class and we snag 'em! They walk through there too with their heads down and not wanted to make eye contact. I guess if I was a student I would do the same thing. But anyway, we ask them if they want to fill out a survey and one of the questions on there is: "would you be interested in joining a Bible Study?" If they say yes, then we will follow up! The catch is that if they fill out a survey then they are entered to win a gift certificate to this amazing pizza place or Best Buy. So that's how we get people to do the survey:) And this week we are concentrating on follow up. I am starting a brand new bible study and so I am calling the girls who said yes and meeting with them, jsut so I can get to know them better and then also explain a little more what bible study is, what we do, etc. And to kind of see where they are at. Because if they are more advanced then maybe they will be in MarySue's bible study and not mine. It's really neat how it all works and FOCUS knows this method works. So please pray that the girls I will be calling will want to meet and will really want to join Bible Study.
Oh, as for UMass in general...I'm liking it more than I thought I would. It is SO much prettier than I thought it would be. There are so many trees, lots of grass and you can see the mountains...well they are small, but they look like the Blue Ridge. Oh yeah and the next town over is called Holyoke!!!! I meant to tell you all that and comment on Joannie's post. So there is another one! And now come to think of it, this part of the mountains here is called the Holyoke Mountains. So since I am kind of already living in Holyoke, I think you all need to move out here with me:) But anyway, the students...well I'm withholding an opinion till I get to know the place a little better, and the students. It's an interesting town. It has this New England look at feel, but there are also farms, and then it is a very hippie town too!
Some interesting things about Amherst, MA:
-many gay people
-everyone eats veggie burgers
-lots of people wearing tye die
-lots of homegrown markets and grocery stores that are cool and lots of privately owned shops (but there is also a Target, Pier 1, Old Navy, etc...all the normal stores it's interesting and nice)
-lots of people have accents but not everyone
-everyone says "wicked" Example, "that was wicked awesome"
-everyone says "I'm all set." I would say, "would you like to do a quick survey?" They would say, "No thanks, I'm all set."
If I think of any more I'll let you know.
One interesting experience was being in a coffee shop and this guy walked in with the longest dreads I have ever seen, wearing some sort of clothing that looked Indian, (and dirty) and he was barefoot and carrying a walking stick.
And this is definitely a college town. Before they all arrived it was kind of quiet. Once they got here though, traffic became so bad! Now it takes twice the amount of time to get somewhere and they are simply everywhere!! All of the local stores and everything have signs up saying welcome students...and complete stangers have told us "welcome back" thinking we are students, and it's just really funny. It is such a college town.
One last thing to say before I I wanted to comment on everything about becoming conformed to the way of life around you in college, and not saying hello, making eye contact, all that stuff. I agree, it is so so true. I have been seeing it alot with the students. Everyone is just in their own world and doesn't want to be bothered. They walk in a hurry with their Ipods in their ears. It's been neat though because as missionaries, me and my team have the great task and blessing to try to break through all that. It's difficult but I have found that students are alot nicer than you think they would be. They look angry and like they don't want anyone to talk to them, "leave me alone" kind of thing, but once you start talking to them and asking questions, and sharing a little about yourself, they open up so much. People respond. Of course there will always be the negative ones, but I have been pleasently surprised. People like to be asked things about themselves and people like talking about themselves. It's amazing to see them open up. And although it was difficult at first to break through it, I found that if you are able to manage (with the grace of God) to smile, and say are being a light to the world and bringing Christ to others in a small but significant way. Alot of these musings are coming from stuff of John Paul the Great that I have been reading and thinking about in prayer lately. It's incredible though to think about. What if you are the only one who brings a little sunshine into that person's day? People are so lost in this world. I do have to say it's wonderful to be with a team of fellow missionaries who are all trying to accomplish the same thing as well, because we can encourage one another and support each other when we are feeling down or discouraged. I don't know if I would have the strength to do it on my own. But Mother Theresa said that if you are discouraged it is a result of pride because you are trusting in your own power rather than in Christ. I read that recently and everytime I think about it, it like a kick in the rear. She is amazing. And it is such a contast challenge to not allow ourselves to be conformed to the world but to be transformed in Christ. All this is really good for me to be thinking about right now because missionary work is not easy when you are trying to go against the flow in such a major way. Please continue to pray for the students here. It is so extremely liberal here. And for all the missionaries as well.
I hope you all didn't mind me sharing my was helpful for me to write it all out, because it has all been in my head and I think I needed to get it out. I'm not trying to be preachy, I'm basically thinking out-loud:)
Ohmygosh, I'm burning banana bread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
K, it's not too bad...that was close. I'm still learning how this cooking thing works!!
Love you all and miss you!