Oct 14, 2004 21:16
So yeah spirit week is really fun i do like it. Definitly the best in highschool except for maybe SENIOR Spirit week YAHOOO...but for some reason this year didnt do it for me... It seems lke my enthusiasm got less and less as I got older. Maybe its bc i have nothing to do with it this year or something.
I just wanted to say that yes our class is very spirited but we should not have deserved to win tonight. O wait tie for first with the Sophmores. The sophmore video was soo cool I really did like that thing. THEY SHOULD HAVE WON. WE SUCKED. iT was like my brother and his friends dancing around...which is cool i am fine with it I am just not fine with the whole RAP in everysong thing. NOthing was original the props werent that good (sorry friends may hurt me for that) What happened to the Summer of 69 huh? The best thing was BRIAN K in a bikini ya!
This whole thing leads me to believe that America really kinda truely does suck. Whats up with this not trying to hurt peoples feelings shit?? Seriously, we didnt deserve to win so why did we have to? BECAUSE they were afriad of a bunch of teary eyed seniors. Who cares its not taht big of a deal. Im not trying to debunk this whole tradition because I really do love spirit week and everyhthing it represents. I just think its good for the body that we lose every once in a while you know? It sets you up for upsets later in life. bc face it we all fail soemtimes
Best quote tonight was from my dad: sean dressed in my moms dress and was like humping people soo my dad was like "im getting a little worried about that kid first he asks for moms dresss then I see the kids smothering him in KY jelly", my moms responces "ehh at least he is overcoming his shyness".
About half the school was waiting outside seans truck when they saw the tagging that was done. I got really mad and starting ripping the plastic wrap off. But then kevin told me not too.
We got our shirts and stuff today and that happied me yayyy...
OMG i really wanna know who that kid is that talks to ashley. How did he know my sorta emo stage that I wouldnt call emo? And about luke? well maybe everyone knew about him... lol but thats just weird.
OOO AND Happy 5 months to me and STEVEN we lasted and we are the best ever :-)