Nov 25, 2008 23:38
Everybody Loves Sylvia is currently playing in the Project Cube. I went tonight. It kicked ass even though sparsely attended. If you like your French 18th century (???) plays with a side of 80s song lyrics (and who that I know doesn't?) this is a play for you.
I am willing to go again. That's how good it was.
I should perhaps declare that the I took the translator/director/designer to my debs and generally think he's a genius. Even if this constitutes bias I defy the average person not to enjoy this. And lets face it half of Dublin took Wayne to their debs that year, he was a total debs slut, it can't be that much of a bias. Two enthusiastic thumbs up (for the play and the debs).
I am no longer sure what a happy ending is.