There is lots to post about at the moment, and not least because I'm supposed to be doing theology homework or in the bath or c) both of the above. I shall have to make some filtered posts soon in lots of different areas. I'm taking "Women Mystics" this semester which is basically Julian of Norwich and Catherine of Sienna. Loving it already after one week and I think it'll be brilliant.
There is also lots of hotel stuff going on with the wedjin and I need to do a big post in that filter too. I really want to do lots of little posts though as I found these beautiful Fred & Ginger icons here: and I've decided they are exactly what I was looking for, romantic, humourous and not a diamond or "I do" anywhere on them. They are some of my new wedding icons although I do have a few more silly ones too. Googling "silly wedding" in image search is an eye-opener. I particularly liked the formal photos with everyone wearing Groucho Marx glasses, also where the bridal party prepare for ninja attack.
Anyway these icons chime in well with my sensibilities: love, marriage, romance all these things should make you feel as if you just watched Top Hat on a rainy Saturday afternoon.