Aug 11, 2006 08:36
Today is Madee's 21st birthday. Some of us girls kidnapped her and took her out for her first drink at midnight last night. It was fun and she was completely surprised...Today I'm slightly regretting not getting to bed until 2am, however. It's okay, though...because it's Friday and payday and Travis Fry comes home today and it's the first Rock and still Madee's birthday...a day with that many exciting things happening cannot be bad, even if you are exhausted!
My other good news is that although I woke up itcy this morning, I did not have hives. Pretty much every day since we've moved into our new place I've been getting hives a bit before bedtime until I get to that's been, please forgive me, I just lied. It's been very not fun and a bit stressful because I have no idea what could be causing it. I've never had hives in my entire life...and I don't want to be allergic to my hopefully it was just some bizarre coincidence and it will stop now. If the itchiness went away too, that would be nice, as well!
When I got to my car this morning there was a note on my windshield. One of the many lovely sisters who lives in my apartment complex left me a note and a verse (well two verses). It encouraged me, so I'm going to pass the verses on:
"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." ~ Psalm 25:4,5.
I especially like the part about my hope being in Him ALL DAY LONG!