Sep 07, 2004 15:16
"I appear to be missing some things from last night, and I was wondering if you could help me...first of all, my keys, cellphone, camera...and oh yeah my self dignity and self respect."
--An embarrasing phone conversation that I had my first weekend in 1205.
Well ladies and gentlemen, it turns out that the camera, phone, and keys were found in the living room, while the self dignity was found near the bright blue Huka that I smoked strawberry tobacco out of... and the self respect...well that was found in the bathroom near the toilet once I discovered that strawberry tobacco is nauseating.
No, but serioulsy now, these few weekends in 1205 have already been funner than a whole year at 838. We're within walking distace of almost all of our friends, this side of town is so much fun. Saturday we partied at a house with curved doorways and wood planks all over that walls, it looked so much like a ginger bread house, and so coincidently I walked around asking everyone where Hanzel and Gretel's bedrooms were. We made a appearance at the "Basement Party" and danced Friday night away. It was a swell, swell weekend.
Sunday I went home and did some visiting with the family. Big sis and I saw "Garden State" FAR it made it into my top 5! Definitly recommend it for everyone. Monday Nicky the Nickster...cause of a WHOLE lot of Nickerama called me, and so Him, Tina, and I went to breakfast and visited. Whit came over for a bit and so that was awesome to here how she was doing. It was so good to see everyone! This weekend gets a two thumbs up by the Megster!!