Sep 30, 2006 18:23
i think this is SO funny! it's cute at least, to see the things on this list-and how true they are. :D
This was from last year!!!
A List of Things I Have Learned:
1. School is hard.
2. Especially when you work 3 jobs in tow.
3. Just because “everyone” says you shouldn’t live with your friends, do it if you feel like it-or if you think you should-(or your boyfriend) because Doug, Nicole and I have had a great year. (Except for a few spiffs, right guys?)
4. I never thought I would meet so many people and actually like the majority of them!
5. Definitely how to COOK-period. (And I am great at most things!!)
6. I can watch Sweet Home Alabama a million times in a row and not get sick of it. (or actually eight times) (plus every day for the past week)
7. Do not EVER work more than two jobs while simultaneously going to school. It pretty much sucks.
8. If you didn’t like someone back in high school, you probably won’t like them now, so get over it.
9. I can clean house really, really well-I was the lucky one who got to do most of it!! ;)
10. Mom’s cooking is way better than anyone else’s.
11. BILLS suck-big time.
12. When you least expect it, your family will need you the most.
13. When you most need them, your family will always be there for you.
14. My mom is the best friend I always wanted her to be but didn’t think she was.
15. My sister is one of the strongest people I have ever met, and I love her for it.
16. Your best friend will always be your best friend-no matter how far away, how much they have changed, or how long it has been since the two of you last talked. Two people proved that to me this year, Megan-you still are my true-blue best buddy; thanks for respecting Doug and I - that really meant a lot and I had a wonderful time with you and Laurie, and Ken-I wish you and Krystal could come here more often, I had the greatest time with you guys and so did Doug.
17. Doug is my favorite person in the whole world. You know it don’t you Doug!? You are and have been there for me when I needed it the most, and you are the best listener, solver, and advice-giver I have ever met-I love you more than anything.
18. Try not to look back at your yearbook…Nicole and I got sad when trying to remember where everyone from H.S. is now, and how many of our freshman class actually graduated with us. It’s kind of depressing.
19. Ditto to the “don’t take Dr. Marian Shih for Physics at SVSU. And don’t take Dr. Kay Harley either-she hit on me once…
20. The most valuable lesson I have ever learned is Do NOT take your entire schedule in conjunction with your roommate or good friend! Nicole and I did that and we almost tore each others’ hair out. It was easily resolved, but DO NOT do it!!!! (I’m sorry too Nic, it’s a good thing we promised not to do that ever again!)
21. I never knew how awesome Alpena was until I moved to Saginaw.
22. Don’t take your boyfriend grocery shopping-he’ll probably want something out of EVERY single isle, and it will take forever.
23. Don’t take your other roommate (Nicole) grocery shopping either-she’ll probably talk you into buying stuff that will make you gain the “freshman 15,” or somewhere close…(but you might do the same to her unknowingly) and by the way…I gained the “freshman 8.”
24. Dieting is SO hard!
25. No matter what happens to you, God can probably help-along with your friends and family. You just have to hold your head up high, and if you can’t-just ask a friend to hold it up for you! ; )
26. Last but not least (AT ALL)…it is always perfectly fine to get homesick.
"Know what's weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change, but pretty soon everything's different." - Calvin and Hobbes
And know what else-every day, we go through life thinking that everyone else has changed so much-but in actuality, we are the ones who have changed. Odd how things end up working out...