Apr 26, 2007 19:20
first post in a very long time.
so pretty much life is good.
regina is the only problem
as of this moment.
i havent really had any drama
in so long which i loved.
but then all of a sudden
i get this message from vicky
saying that i had said something
awful about her which by the way
i wouldnt say about anyone
its too personal. but anyways
she heard it from regina
which by the way havent talked
to her in about 2 years b.c
we hate eachother.
so i called her up && told her
i didnt appriciate (sp?) her telling lies
we fought i told her to watch out
blah blah blah blah.
&& now vicky is calling me a lair which
i really could care less if she hates me
but i didnt lie.
fuck coventry && most of the ppl that are in it.
i cant wait to move next month.