I am doing this so I don't have to clean my room.

Jan 24, 2005 16:51

My room looks as if my closet threw up, and I really do not feel like working on it right now.

So... what to talk about.. what to talk about... OH! I work out now... okay so I have been to the gym once.. but I am going again today. I am going to shoot for going at least 3 times a week.

This weekend was alright... I went to macadoos with a bunch of crazies on friday and then went to Rob's, got harassed by some afghan man, came home talked to melv, ate crusties and passed out.

Saturday, I laid around ALL day long, watched sex and the city, got ready to go out with laura until the "blizzard" came through, and then decided that I did not want to have to walk back from the light side in the "blizzard" in case I had a few drinky drinks. So I ended up watching sex and the city and going to bed.

Yesterday I did work and watched sex and the city, and desperate houswives.

I need to make a wal mart trip tonight. I am going to by knitting needles because that is the new obsession of our apartment.. sitting around b'sing and knitting.

I think I might go home this weekend and chop of my hair.. what do yall think?I also kinda miss my mom, dad and cats.

I am talking to Tracy about her new man.. is it just me or is everyone getting new boyfriends?

I can't wait for the bachelorette tonight. I love that show.. maybe I should apply. I think I would be a good candidate for the show. I am unlucky when it comes to that stupid thing called Love, I have my entertaining moments, oh and it would be nice to break the hearts of guys that think their you know what doesn't stink.

I have to finish my Teacher Ed Application this week and sign up for the praxsis 2, and do the butt load of school work that my teachers have assigned. Well I think i will start cleaning my room... sorry for this totally pointless, random post... enjoy it if you can! Luv ya...
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