Mar 04, 2005 23:12
hey everyone!! I'm updating my journal at my uncle Brian's. He's my koolest uncle!! My aunt Jamiee is amazing too! Plus my little buddy Fritz. I use to spend the whole summer here. It's so relaxing. I would wake up and just side on the deck. It was a warm sun and it was really peaceful. This was only during the weekdays when I was here alone. But during the weekends we would have huge bon fires and stay up till fiveish. Then get woken up at 9 am by Fritz lol. Once my uncle, will, nick, elli and I all went down to the attica reservoir and went swimming... It was like 2 in the morning. I didn't go because the boys were just going in their boxers and jumping off the dock... I kinda had a thong on without a bra lol. It sounds slutty but I was in pajamas. O well... glenn called me today!! hehehe lol well i think I'm gonna get going... sorry it was so short.
Love ya,
~**002 is a hotty**~lol