Oct 25, 2005 21:00
69 questions...
1. smoked a cigarette - nope
2. smoked a cigar - yes
3. crashed a friend's car - not a friend's car, my own a few times though
4. stolen a car - naw
5. been in love - not for real
6. been dumped - oh yes.
7. done a shot - nope
8. been fired - no, i've quit several times though
9. been in a fist fight - I fought with Kasey in the parking lot of the softball field in middle school once, does that count?
11. had feelings for someone who didnt have them back? welcome to my life.
12. been arrested - not yet ;)
13. made out with a stranger - no, i have not
14. gone on a blind date - not so much
15. lied to a friend - it's possible
16. had a crush on a teacher- hahahaha oh Gagnon, why must you smell so goooooood?
17. skipped school - Yeah, I rocked the Pat's day parade senior year, not gonna lie
18. seen someone die - i have not
19. been on a plane - yes, though they had to sedate me
20. thrown up in a bar - ew, no
21. done hard drugs- hugs, not drugs
22. miss someone right now - yes, i do
23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - i prefer star gazing
24. made a snow angel - awwww, yes, in my big puffy snowsuit when i was little...and last year
25. played dress up - yeah, that's basically how i spent my childhood, the Ryan house had the best dress up clothes, everyone in Forrest Park knew that
26. cheated while playing a game - eh, probably, let's not lie, i'd cheat while playing candy land with the kids i'd babysit just to make it end sooner
27. been lonely - on occasion
28. fallen asleep at work/school - i totally fell fast asleep in Old Testament last week, and my professor totally called me on it, it was awesome, he basically hate sme now
29. used a fake id - oh yeah baby, hanson concert '03, i'm such a rebel
30. felt an earthquake - no, i think i'm going to stay clear of any fault lines thank you
31. touched a snake - not that i can recall
32. ran a red light - no particular time i can think of, but probably, i'm not a very good driver
33. had detention - no, but in 2nd grade i had to sit at the silent table in the cafeteria, it was traumatic, i still haven't gotten over it
34. been in a car accident - mmmmmmmmhmmmmmm
35. hated the way you look - i have my days
36. witnessed a crime - illegal downloading?
37. been lost - kasey lisa and i have spent hours trying to get lost down the cape and we always fail
38. been to the opposite side of the country - naw, i'm an east coast girl
39. felt like dying - i like life
40. cried yourself to sleep - i suppose so
41. played cops and robbers - no, i preferred power rangers
42. karaoke - the only nights i actually liked working at Center Stage Cafe was karaoke night, i bet you haven't sung "let's get drunk and screw" with all of YOUR co-workers!
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't - yes, i have little self-control
44. laughed so hard something came out of your nose- one word: macaroni
45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - yes, don't eat yellow snow
46. kissed in the rain - i wish...
47. sang in the shower - i actually have a private shower in school this year so i can sing!!! it's awesome!!!!
48. made love in a park - haha no...
49. had a dream that you married someone - yes, but i'll never tell who
50. glued your hand to something - no but i had to tape my fingers together in fifth grade to see how Johnny Tremain felt
51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - no, but a popcicle once...
52. worn the opposite sex's clothes - they make boy sweatshirts more comfortable than girl sweatshirts
53. been a cheerleader- nope
54. sat on a roof top- oh yeah
55. talked on the phone all night - not ALL night...
56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - one time i was wayching th halloween episode of boy meets world alone and THAT freaked me out
57. played chicken fight - my favorite beach swimming activity, actually
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - ben's grad party, and it was cold, damn you boys
59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger - do creepy mexican guys on the street count?
60. broken a bone - yep, left arm in second grade, my damn dog tripped me
61. had a 3-some? you and you and me, together we make three...no
62. laugh so hard you cry - abolutely, it is awesome
63. mooned/flashed someone - no
64. cheated on a test - i have glanced over a few times, i'm not proud of it
65. forgotten someone's name - way too much
67. blacked out from drinking - no, that would suggest that i have actually been drinking, which has never happened
68. played a prank on someone - yah, buttface mcdorkinson
69. played in public with your significant other? - played what?!