1. Kissed your cousin: Hm. No.
2. Ran away: Nope.
3. Broken someone's heart: All the time. ;)
4. Cried when someone died: Of course.
5. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Of course.
6. Broken a bone: Don't think so. Maybe my toe once when I kicked Natalie's ottoman.
7. Drank alcohol: WOO! ..Yes.
8. Cried in school: Yes. One time that stands out is when Taylor accidentally sprayed me with mustard at lunch. Ha.
10.COKE or PEPSI: Always Coke-a-cola!
11.SPRITE or 7UP: Sprite.. my favorite.
12.GIRLS or GUYS: I love my gal pals. Guys are fun, too.
13.FLOWERS or CANDY: Flowers AND candy. Mmm.
14.SCRUFF or CLEAN SHAVEN: I'm gonna have to go with clean shaven.
15.QUIET or LOUD: Loud things hurt my ears.
16.BLONDES or BRUNETTES: Brunettes all the way!
17.BITCHY or SLUTTY: Bitchy. what what!
18.TALL or SHORT: Tall
19.PANTS or SHORTS: Pants in the winter and shorts in the summer. Duh.
20.What do you notice first? Hair and eyes.
21.Last person you slow-danced with: Josh T. at prom I believe.
22.Worst question to ask: 'Are you in a bad mood?' Haha.. I hate that.
26.Your good luck charm: I don't think I have one. I need one.
27.Person you hate most: For some strange reason I really don't like Quentin Tarintino. (sp?) Yeah, weird.. I know. AND my manager Steve at work. He's a freaking idiot to say the least.
28.The best thing that has happened to you today: I got lost with Kaylin on our way to and from Clemson.. Twice. Haha.
29.Color: Green and purple
30.Movie: Stand by Me, That Thing You Do, Weird Science, Forrest Gump, Serendipity, Harry Potter.. I could go on and on but I'll stop.
31.Book/Manga: I like The Notebook, any hp book, and Girl Interrupted.
32.Subject in school: None really. Probably English.
33.Juice: Citrus Punch. Delish.
34.Cars: I'm not a big car guru. My favorite car is a burgundy 01' Mazda Protege. Because it's MINE. :D
35.Ice cream: Cookie dough.
36.Holiday: Christmas, New Year's Eve, and the Fourth of July
37.Season: Summer
38.Breakfast food: Cereal.. I like cereal.
39.Place to go with your honey: ...Hmm. Dunno.
40.Makes you laugh the most? Taylor, Gale, and Emily.. and Mel. Haha.
41.Makes you smile? Lauren and Kacie
42.Gives you a funny feeling when you see them? ..That's a strange question.
43.Has a crush on you? I don't know.. dammit.
44.Do you have a crush on? Hehe. DUNNO! :D
45.Can make you feel better no matter what? Natalie!
46.Has it easier, GIRLS or GUYS: GUYS, BIA!!
47.Sit waiting for a phone call all night? Not really. I don't like talking on the phone.
48.Save IM conversations? Yeah. But they always get lost.
49.Save e-mails? Eh.. sometimes I guess.
50.Wish you were someone else? Of course.
52.Cry because of someone's mean words? Of course.
55.Fallen for your best friend? Yeeeeah!!! Haha. Um, no.
56.Have u ever been rejected? Yes.
58.Used someone? Maybe.
59.Been used? Probably so.
60.Cheated on someone? Sure haven't!
61.Been cheated on? Don't think so..
62.Done something you regret? Of course!
63.You touched? Kaylin
64.You talked to? Lil' sis Nicole
66.You instant messaged? Chad C.
68.You yelled at? Um.. Probably Nicole.
69.You laughed with? Taylor. We saw a little parking lot bird and I got excited. Then, it pooped and we laughed. :)
70.Who broke your heart? Can't think of anyone.
71.Who healed your broken heart? ..My friends. Because I LOVE them. ;)
Personal Info:
01: Name: Meghan Elizabeth Davis
02: D.O.B: July 22, 1986.
03: Location: Fountain Inn, SC
04: Religion: Christian
05: Sex: Female
06: Occupation: I work at a toy store called Learning Express. You would think it's fun. But you'd be wrong.
01: Hair: Brown
02: Eyes: Hazel-greenish
03: Height: 5'5.. ?
04: Weight: ..Probably more than it should be.
01: Clothing: Stuff I like!
02: Music: I like guitar-ish music.
03: Makeup?: I love make-up! It's fun.
04: Body Art: Not at the moment!
What are you:
01: Wearing: Jean capris I made.. and a tshirt.
02: Listening to: My Date with the President's Daughter.. Haha.
03: Thinking of: The scary weather outside. And how I have to wake up damn early tomorrow morning.
04: Feeling: Tired and needing of rest.
Last Thing You:
01: Bought: Chicken from Zaxby's
02: Talked to: Last THING I talked to? Strange. Probably my car, though.
03: Ate and drank: Ice from my cup.
04: Read: This survey.
05: Watched on TV: What I'm watching now!
Pick One:
01: Club or houseboat: That's stupid. I guess houseboat.
02: Tea or coffee: Sweet Tea will do me fine.
03: High achiever or slacker: High Achiever when I feel like it. Slacker at heart.
05: Drinks or shots: Don't matta. Either.
06: Cats or dogs: Dogs. I like lil' kittens though. Aw.
07: Single or taken: Single all the way! Haha. Kinda like Jingle all the Way! Hm. Yeah.
08: Pen or pencil: Pen
09: Gloves or mittens: Mittens! Woop!
10: Food or candy: I like CANDY!
11: Cassette or cd: I like Mary's New Kid cassette. :)
12: Coke or pepsi: Dang. Again. Coke. I like Coke.
13: Hard or mild alcohol: Hard.
14: Matches or a lighter: I like to play with matches because I like the smell they make.
15: Sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: I'm going to have to go with a big neither.
16: Ricki lake or oprah winfrey: Oprah. Of course.
Who Would You Like To:
01: Kill: Eh. No one.
02: Fuck: Orlando Bloooooom. He's so sexy. And others.
03: Slap: People who make me ANGRY.
05: Get really wasted with: Any one on mine and Natalie's list of possible corruptions. :D
06: Tickle: Lauren is fun to tickle. Heee.
07: Look like: Someone pretty!
08: Be like: I like to be like myself.
09: Avoid: Whoever I don't want to talk to.
01: Album as of right now: Hm. Gonna go with Sister Hazel--Live Live.
02: Shoes: Any kind of floppers.
03: Site: I like to look at things on EBAY!
04: Dance: Runnin' man. And the robot.
05: Berry: Strawberries. Yumness.