Dec 10, 2004 19:42
I'm totally serious, if nobody tells me what they want for christmas, then they're all getting pictures of me...and not good ones either. You'll all have a picture of me with my ugly short hair, most likely wearing some sort of insane costume that people may have called clothing in the early nineteys. I'm not kidding. You'd better watch out.
Where are you christmas, why can't I find you,
why have you gone away?
My world is changing, I'm re-arranging
Is that why christmas changes too?
I hate that little girl's voice...i hate when little kids sing with their soft little voices...its monotonous and overdone. Maybe when I'm a mother (which I hope I never am) I will appreciate the pathetic sounds of childrens choirs and elementary school chorus. until then, i will continue to cover my ears when gillian insists on playing the recording of that annoying little irish girl, or wherever she's from. AHHHHHH.:)
I wish i got to see TSO this year...there's always next year I suppose. I shall post some of the poetry from the show in here sometime soon. They have it in the little book in the cd, and its really nice, but you wouldnt know, because they dont do it on the cd, only live. See what you're missing?
Dont want to babysit for these people tonight.
Starting another possibly dissapointing Gregory McGuire book tonight called confessions of an ugly stepsister. The last one kind of weirded me out and left me with too many questions. Wicked started out fantastically. What happened? I loved it to a point...i hate dissapointing authors who let you down at the end.
I'm such a geek. i love reading
everyone should have the Holiday Pops cd with Keith Lockhart looking jolly dressed up as chris kringle on the front. Its the only way to be i think. Jolly i mean. i think i might reach jolliness tonight, with enough caffiene. Oh man, i am gonna have so much fun babysitting tonight. I'm going to a cookie party tomorrow! I have to make one for Rob and Two for Gillian because she's extra special (I'm sorry, but you get to go and she doesn't...maybe I'll make her three)
Something just craashed in the kitchen. Tranny is playing in the background. Why are they so awesome? Why can't i get my hands on a recording of their interperetation of carmina burana?
OH MY GOODNESS. they can't be serious. Guess what will be available SUNDAY!!!!???? The one and only recording of the Rep and Senior Orchestras playing at symphony hall!!! I'm so excited. I loved playing that concert and now I GET TO HEAR IT! ;) :) on two more days.
I was thinking about doing some christmas shopping at my newfound jewelry store on newbury st, but then i realized that going in there and not shopping for myself would be SO DEPRESSING. so I'm not sure if i can get up the guts to do it. We'll see. I really want to give good gifts this year. I love my family and friends. To some extent they love me too. I hate christmas. Have I not said that 100 times already?
COme see the ACC xmas concert and then potluck on SUnday!! I'm soloing and its going to be nothing less than interesting. But I'm soloing this year, and not on bells. on something that my accompainist wont screw up, because we all know what happened last year. Oh my god never again. I loved that solo too. sadly ruined by a woman who teaches piano, yet can't play it. sad. so sad. It was an amzing solo. I kicked butt. I love handbells. good thing I'm being a "fill in" this weekend. haha i love how she hates me, yet she invites me back for a "guest appearance." How sweet. She needs me.
I love you rob. did i not tell you that already?
Mry kate is super cool and gets the last comment because you have to save the best for last