Okay, long story short.... Kent and I had to pick another wedding date. *sigh* I'm glad this happened the day AFTER I had my mini-freak-out. I'm feeling much more normal, and even slept much better again last night. SO. Yes. We've set a different date, after much family voting for different days, and a little bit of stressing out on my part (trying to get everyone to agree). October 2nd it is. 09 of 09 ;)
I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I read a book last week called 'predictably irrational', if you're at ALL interested in consumerism, why we buy the things we buy, or if you think you remotely have free will in the commercial marketplace...read this book. It's an easy but engaging read, and sure makes you think!!
The horses have had an unintentional three day break, all of them. Today it's supposed to snow. Oh well, I know that life sometimes takes precedence ;) Oh! And I found someone to study with for that certification thing at work, which will make motivating myself a LOT easier. It's always nice when you can have someone to do something worthwhile-yet-slightly-a-pain-in-the-butt with. =)
It was chilly and spitting snow today:
I rather liked that image. OH! And I entered a photography contest! It was a free entry, so I figured 'what the hey'. It's an image I took during our offroading adventure with our awesome neighbors. I'll have to let them know if they contributed to me winning a national photography contest ;). The subject matter was 'reflections'.... mine was a literal interpretation, so it probably won't win, but that's okay. You never know unless you try, right? Right.
Okay, I'm off to work, then almost-brother-in-law's in town, so we're having dinner with him. Have good days!