christmas time!!!!!
CHRISTMAS WISH LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. A new phone
2. New books :D
3. Movie Marathon with friends
4. A new i-pod
5. Late night walk around the village
6. New shoes
7. A new jacket
8. A new watch
9. Gallon (or pint) of any sebastian's ice cream =)) (blueberry cheesecake, chocoholics anonymous, chocolate chip cookie dough, the hazelnut truffle that i had only once and never saw again!!!!!)
10. A new laptop
11. Ugly Betty season 3
12. HIMYM season 4
13. Akazukin Chacha/Naruto/HunterXHunter/RanmaOAVs/ all the classic animes
14. Another Movie Marathon with friends (different genre naman)
15. New shirts and shorts
16. Dinner with SRCC 08
MORE TO ADD!!!! weeeeee!!!!!