(no subject)

Aug 12, 2005 20:57

Haha. I win. i am having a fantastic time babysitting. The kiddies are still alive and only one has almost drown. Just kiddiing (sorta). They make me laugh ALWAYS. Ben loves to pray and blesses his food even for bedtime prayers. And the other night when I was putting Jon to bed he took off his pj's and said "I don't like to sleep with pants on." Oh! What joy filled my heart. Truly, sleeping without pants should become a law. ANYWHO... I only have two days left till I go to stay with my bro and his fam in Seattle. And when I get there, so does my best little sister KATIE!!!! I love that girl more than peanut butter sandwhiches after a big test.

Sarah got the key to our apartment and now I have an apartment--OFF CAMPUS. What gets better than that?! i am taking the kids to the library tomorrow and I really want to get a book on basic plumbing. I've always wondered how that stuff works. Can I read it?... Yes i can. (That was from Bob the Builder for all those who do not watch Saturday morning cartoons ALWAYS)

I love you all soooo much and I cannot wait to see you soon. Take luck.. if you should have luck may you care for it always.
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