Jul 10, 2008 14:06
i always hated the phrase snow bunny... makes me picture a little rabbit shivering in the snow. i much prefer a phrase of a different climate... beach bunny.
and thats what i have been this summer.
my little apartment complex has a great pool. and in between my bouts with ordering ikea decor online and working, i've been spending a great deal of time catching rays. so relaxing.
managed to acquire a most adorable boyfriend. met him at work. he sits only 4 rows away from me. he's from chicago, he's incredibly sweet, goodlooking... are you jealous yet?
work is going well... i'm slowly climbing my way up the ladder. i'm currently ranked 6th in the country out of hundreds, so THAT'S incredibly exciting. trying my hardest to get to a training position with dell. i've had a couple meetings with training managers to map out my plan of action and i'm well on my way. now its just a matter of time!
is this summer flying by for you too? i can't believe the fourth of july is already come and gone!!