Apr 28, 2006 22:07
So I talked to H on the phone tonight.
I started out by running for the train. Because people don't understand 'walk left stand right' and the McPherson trains are like 15 minutes apart, when I got to the bottom of the escalator, I ran for the train. I think I caught my toe in the gap and fell into the train, the door closed and we pulled out of the station, I went to roll over and stand up and brush myself off. The EMT visiting from New Hampshire was almost immediately at my side to hold my knee together. I was more worried about my arm honestly. He pressed the button and pressed the skin together. I tried to stand, they wouldn't let me. Train arrived at Farragut West. Train was emptied, Station Manager arrived with First Aid kit. Knee was wrapped up with layer of kleenex, a few triangle bandages. First DC EMTs arrived (3) Group project to pick Meg up and assist her to bench while not moving knee.
Meg: where did i stop?
Hanlon: umm
Hanlon: i think when u wanted to gett of the train bc ppl were giving u dirty looks
Meg: ok
Meg: so they got 4 EMTs to pick me up and let me hobble to the bench on the platform
Hanlon: haha that sucks
Meg: so then they break out the cops and the stretcher
Hanlon: u were on a stretcher?
Meg: in total 9 EMTs, 3 cops
Meg: they strap me to the stretcher and proceed to try to take me upstairs
Hanlon: haha
Meg: only i got stuck in the elevator because its too small for a stretcher
Hanlon: ahh that stinks
Hanlon: damn stretcher
Meg: so finally they figured out how to get me into the ambulance
Hanlon: damn
Meg: we do lights and sounds all the half mile to the hospital
Hanlon: haha thats cool
Meg: get to the hospital and they almost dropped me
Hanlon: that would have hurt
Meg: because it was a bright idea to build the ER on the top of a steep hill
Meg: and the driveway points down the hill
Meg: get into the hospital, still strapped down, some lady is hacking on me and peeing herself, they're trying to convince her that she has to wear her TB mask
Meg: i just wanna call Mom and Dad
Meg: so they take me to one bed, move me off stretcher and EMT goes away
Meg takes camera pics here
Meg: get Hindu doc
Hanlon: hahahaa
Meg: who moves me to suture room
Meg: Meg wants stitiches
Meg: he decides I need surgery
Meg: Meg has first hissy fit
Meg: he watches PA numbs it up, Meg cries because that hurts
Meg wanted to punch doc in face
IV started in mid left forearm by nice nurse
Lots of fluid was washed into cut to wash out Metro funk. Meg attempts to keep shorts from iodine wash
Meg: he calls for xrays and ortho
Hanlon: that sucks
Meg: ortho shows up, not amused no xrays
Meg: ortho takes me to xray
Meg: xray proceeds to wiggle me all over the place to xray and see if 1. joint exploded or 2. knee broken
Meg: Meg is not amused
Hanlon: i didnt like my x ray either
Meg: Meg gets wheeled back to sutures
Meg: ortho decides to tap knee
Meg: they take large needle, shove it into my knee
Meg: meg cries like a baby
Hanlon: ouwwwwww
Meg: they discover that Meg was right, knee has not broken joint
Hanlon: it hurt sooo bad when they ripped the tape off of my leg yesterday
Meg: they wander off not interested any more
Meg managed to get them to give me ice chips before they left
Hanlon: of course..........meg is alwayus right
Meg: meg glares at doctor for an hour
Hanlon: be nice
Meg: Meg reminds him that it's been 3 hours
Meg: you cant sew a cut after 4
Meg: you can't get stitches after 4 hours
Hanlon: oh
Meg: infections and stuff
Meg: so they had poked and prodded me and i was bored and hungry and in pain and stuff
Hanlon: that sucks
Meg: they gave me an IV of antibiotics but no painkillers
Meg: so I'm glaring at doc
Hanlon: shame o you
Meg: whatever
Meg: so finally the PA comes to hang out
Hanlon: whos the PA
Meg: Physician's assistant
Hanlon: oh
Hanlon: did u bond w. him/her
Meg: he was a naval guy
Meg: so he comes back and starts suturing
Hanlon: i gg get ready for dinner........we are at the part where he starts suturing whatever that is
Meg: 3 layers
Meg: ok
Hanlon: what is suturing
Meg: stitches Hanlon
So I get sutures. Deepest level, 6 stitches. Midlevel, 5 stitches. Skin 9 stitches. He wraps it up.
Nice nurse comes back, pulls IV and gives immobilizer and cane. Have to wait for another hour for prescription.
Finally hobble out at 11:15ish? Took cab home
So there ya go. Today was another doc, Indian this time. Very nice, both were. But I waited forever.
I hate the ER