A Year in LJ Posts

Dec 07, 2006 22:19

The first line(s) of the first post I made every month in 2006.

You scored as Sociology. You should be a Sociology major!
Well, actually, I am. Kinda. lol. If if ever get over my neurosis and send in my application before the course dates close.

November05 Icons
[8] Firefly
[5] Angels In America
[1] CSI (Sara)
[1] Without a Trace (D+M)

February06 Icons
Of course I had to go and upload my icons before I cut, which I should know better but. Grrr. Now my hand is cramping. Hates the mouse pad. HATES!

ICONS! Yayh!

I think I need to get a bigger tank. Speed is having issues with the walls. I do have another one, but it is smaller, and anyway, i can't bear to part them. And they are all very nosy fish. They will follow you, and all look when there is movement...

snagged from merigreenleaf

Go look HERE

Quiz meme yakked from 
quiz )

well. That took so long to load I can't remember what I wantend to say...
In which I ended up saying a lot

Well. YOu know how my car got fixed, and then refixed and such and so forth, Well, I took it for it's WOF (Warrent of Fitness) and guess what. It failed. And gonna cost me $600+.

Just a note, for those who may need to get off work.

*sings* It's my birthday in three days, it's my birthday in three days!

Jo on Dean Winchester when I said he was very very very pretty.
-Oh yes, you want to dress him in drag and call him Betsy.

I've been really slack lately. Apologies to my flist! Haven't had the time, the brain matter or sometimes the ability to reply. I know that this is cheating, but, thanks to the troublesomeTrio who gave me suggestions for fonts. I actually suspect that it may just be my program, or something that I'm not doing right.


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