Dec 01, 2007 19:29
Today, I feel like talking about WoW, as we had a very good raiding day. I haven't forgotten about the rest of my Japan stuff, but I'm just lazy as all hell.
So after three weeks of attempts, my raid group full cleared Zul'Aman earlier this evening. All of the animal bosses were one-shotted and Malacrass took a few attempts and Zul'jin himself went down after 4 or 5 attempts. We only beat the first timed event to the Eagle boss but once we get more comfortable with all the trash pulls and start playing a bit more free and loose with the DPS, clearing the whole instance in 2 hours will be a snap.
I'm rather glad it went so well. Karazhan mopped the floor with us for the first couple of months, with Aran in particular being a really nasty bastard until we got him down. But this time there were no tempers flaring, nobody yelling or bitching at one another, just some good clean executed fights and some really constructive thought for the ones that didn't go quite as smoothly.
I'm particularly looking foward to all the Mind Controlling I'll get to do in the instance. My MC time was limited as my class captain was with us and he did most of it, but next week will be my turn and I'm happy to do something a little different, even though I'll be a bit disappointed with my rank on the damage meters for the night.