Week 004:: Hate || Voting

Sep 14, 2009 17:58

Sorry for the extra two day extension xD I had class and completely. . . Well, pretty much forgot LOLL. My bad! Anyway, here is voting! Unfortunately, there are only six icons for this week. Ah well.


:: Vote using a screened comment.
:: Vote for your three favorite icons in order of preference.
:: You can vote for an icon twice only if the second vote is for a Special Category.
:: Do not vote for yourself.
:: Do not get others to vote for you.
:: If you submitted an icon please make sure you vote.

You will be voting for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

::Voting Example::

23, 67, 34



1. MC+ Naoya ; Devil Survivor (Found at pixiv; if you know the artist, please tell me!)
2. Jin Shirato ; Persona 3
3. Shuji Itsusuki ; Persona 3
4. MC + Atsuro ; Devil Survivor (せいたむ)
5. Chidori ; Persona 3
6. Yukari Takeba ; Persona 3

&voting, week 004

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