Things and stuff.

Oct 20, 2007 20:25

So, this has been a pretty exciting week. First, I got a job [finally]. I start on Monday. It's at a real estate development firm 20 minutes from my apartment. I'll be working in the interiors department and I'll essentially be an assistant, but there's a little bit of an interior design function and tons of room for advancement. I really like all the people I met there and it seems like a really chill environment to work in. Mostly, I'm just really excited to have some sort of routine and real income coming in.

Also, I just found out that I got a board seat at the girls' rock camp that I've been volunteering for. I'm the new Events Coordinator and I'm in charge of organizing and pulling off all fundraising events. My committee and I will be responsible for running benefit shows, silent auctions, theme parties, etc. and coming up with new exciting fundraising ideas. I'm so excited about it. I've never cared so much about anything I've been involved in. The program is so amazing and I've met some really kickass girls volunteering for it. I'm kind of nervous because it's going to be a ton of time and responsibility, but I think it's all going to work out just fine.

Angela's here in Chicago for the weekend, which is very exciting. We have someone coming out to visit every weekend until Thanksgiving, and I'm really pumped to see my soulmate soon. We went to an astrologist yesterday who told me that I have a lot of negative energy caused by people in past relationships that keeps me from opening up to people. Then she offered her services to help clear the blockage for a very high fee. Interesting day. Today, we went to a pumpkin patch/farm in the suburbs. I never, ever, ever want to live in the suburbs of the midwest. Ever. Now I'm rambling. Basically, I'm really happy with life right now.
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