May 29, 2006 15:31
So I can usually get behind the absurdness of celebrity baby names. I can love the Apple's, Moseses, even the Suri's of the world, but really, Shiloh is a fucking dog's name. It won a goddamn Newbury award and has been around for fucking ever. Maddox, awesome. Zahara, exotic. Shiloh, a fucking dog's name. I know that I'm way too into this shit, but it's my thing, get over it. I had a pretty good weekend, three days of it in fact. I've been packing like crazy, but am almost out of boxes so will have to occupy my time with taking down the big pictures and paintings and patching the holes I made because I get a little crazy when I have a drill and some drywall anchors in my hand. I try so hard to be so handy, my grandpa and brother were/are pretty proficient in carpentry, but my results usually fall down after a few months, or take a few more holes than they should to get right. At least I try though, right? I got a new book today about repurposing t-shirts into more badass shirts, skirts, pillows, rugs, etc. I'm hoping to make a rug for our new kitchen and since it only requires braiding, light sewing that I'm capable of, and lots o time, I think it will be hard for me to screw up. Our house is getting so empty! I've filled an entire giant freezer ziplock bag with the magnets from our fridge and that step alone makes our kitchen look bare. I'm excited for the new place though. Much more space so TJ can have his music and art room and I can have all of our books and the desk in one space. That'll all change once we start popping out some kids, but until then I want to spread out and enjoy the room we have while we have it. I'm just thrilled to not have bookcases in the bedroom. It stresses me out because I'm constantly staring at all the books I need to read, or I'm thinking about how long it was since I dusted it last. Robot (another name that is better than Shiloh) is doing so well. She got her last vaccine and rabies shot yesterday and she got a new kickass purple collar and harness. She outgrew the pink one she had, she's 12 lbs now!! That's at least triple what she was when we got her. But she's still cute. I better get myself motivated soon. It's so easy to watch two hours of Judge shows instead of cleaning, patching and packing. Ugh. Ok, motivated ,motivated, motivated.