Never explain--your friends do not need it and your
enemies will not believe you anyway."
- Elbert Hubbard
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Again: You need to read that whole article. I advise that you post this in your own journals. At the very least it might get someone fired up. Spread it around.
Well this takes away your right not to have to explain yourself, doesn't it?
In the future I will be using cash wherever possible. And I will be reading whenever possible as well.
But you know what? I am not going to start researching good countries to live in in case this one continues to try to hedge my civil liberties and doesn't improve. I am not giving up on this place. It can be great and will be again. The draft, the "Patriot Act", George W. Bush, and quite a few other things have gotten me a little pissed off, sure. But I am not going to give up. Go ahead, mess with me. Pissing me off and hurting me has only done one thing to me in my life: It's gotten my dander up and made me want to fight! All the work done by the people who made this country great will not go to waste as long as I draw breath.
This is bullshit. And I was proud of my country at one point. I still am but it's in there somewhere and I will help to find it if it kills me.
I have taken things for granted in the past. I am actually kind of glad the people who are running things right now have pissed me off. It makes me appreciate freedom a whole lot more.
Right now I wonder if writing this will have my phones tapped and people sniffing at my door to determine whether I am a threat to national security. Hell, just being a pagan and a D&D player can do that, apparently. I know I was targeted for special consideration at the airport. I would love to see the criteria for that crap. But when I asked how it's determined they said it was classified. Funny that.
I wonder if Bush and his cronies will get the grand idea to declare himself president until further notice "for the good of the nation" and enact a presidential declaration postponing elections until such time as threats to the country are solved.
It's fucking pathetic that people in other countries are afraid to come here legally because they might be detained at our borders, detained, and sent back to their "home countries" even though they are not citizens of those countries.
Here is a nice story for that one. Here is an interesting link I found: Write your representatives and tell them how pissed off you are. Do it now! Before the assholes in office take that right and the ability of those representatives to do something away. I know I will.
I am thinking also of gun control laws and their repercussions in all this. Hmm...
"I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."
- James Madison