(no subject)

May 02, 2004 18:12

Holy cow it's been longer than I thought! I have been out of the loop quite a bit of late and there is no way I will ever get caught up. Best to just start here. like music! If you try to catch up you will just sound stupid. :P

"I am a strong believer in luck and I find the harder I work the more I have of it."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Barring that natural expression of villainy which we all have, the man looked honest enough."
- Mark Twain

"The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools."
- Herbert Spencer

First I thought everyone should know about a little scam regarding Livejournal. I am initially of the opinion that if you fall for this you kind of deserve to be hacked, but then I guess that might just be me. It's right up there with the Yahoo and other IM spam people perpetuate because they are too stupid to realize that those things couldn't possibly be official.

Speaking of stupidity, go here and read this and be amazed. I got this by way of billazilla. If I lived in Virginia I wouldn't for long. That place is officially on my list of places to avoid. It's right up there with Albania, Iraq, and public bath houses.

Ooh ooh! Here's more stupidity! DUH!
Every time I start to think I can understand some animal rights people I see something like this. These kinds of things make me want to go out and eat a lot of meat. I think I would prefer eco-terrorist meat. They are traitors to the race.

It turns out that my favorite RPG (and the oldest published) is 30 years old! BBC did a weird write-up on it here. Ah...I love that game. It's a shame I haven't been able to play, lately.

Oh, and Chick.com did a write-up of it here. Their stance on people who believe in evolution is pretty scary as well. Hell...all of this is pretty scary. D&D, evolution, another on evolution using horrible spoofs of science, pagans, Catholicism, Islam,
Mormonism, and Halloween. It's all in there and more. And no, it's not a joke. These people actually believe this nonsense. I wouldn't be surprised to find one that tells me I am going to hell because I like mustard on my sandwiches.

They are also followers of that nonsense about good deeds not being good. I have heard this so many times and to me it's just an excuse to be lazy. Some Christians claim that they don't have to do anything in the world to combat evil and that they will be let into their heaven on their beliefs alone. I am a pagan and I know that if you allow evil to exist in your presence through negligence then you might as well be committing that evil. Personally if I see something that I can stop I will stop it and feel better for it. Yep...you got it: I have very much the righteous indignation toward certain Christians.

That's one of the reasons the Mormon church was so attractive to me in the past: They do things to help people. I really don't know how those guys get so much flack from so many people. If you ask for help from a Mormon odds are he'll go way out of his way to help you. And it's not because he believes he'll get to heaven for it. It's because he is a decent, honest, and hard-working man. I have seen way too many people talk about hating Mormons and it is really annoying. Reserve your bile for people who deserve it. Funny thing is that because I type this now there are people who will think I am Christian and a Mormon. I have been accused of it just because I appreciate the people and the strength of their faith. And there are also people who think that because I am a pagan that I worship their Satan.

But anyway...

Thanks to asmor I now have a link to http://www.bash.org/. So Funny! Read the top 100 and 200.

I downloaded the new version of Winamp and it rocks. I have the MMD3 skin. I think it came with the new version but I cannot recall. Either way it rules.

And if you haven't seen it, go now and see The Last Samurai. It rules. I got to see it because I have access to movies just before they come out on DVD. I missed in the theater. But it should be out tomorrow.

stupidity, links, politics, movies, d&d, computers, religion

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