(no subject)

Apr 12, 2004 03:20

"My pessimism extends to the point of even suspecting the sincerity of the pessimists."
- Jean Rostand

"I think it's the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately."
- George Carlin

"In heaven all the interesting people are missing."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

My daughter accidentally flushed a necklace she got for Easter. Poor sweetie. She was so sad. I honestly don't understand how that would happen but I have seen weirder things. Hell I have been personally involved in MUCH weirder things.

Scary stuff. Though the next eruption is likely a long way off. If we haven't killed ourselves by then I am certain we'll have developed technology to deal with pretty much any globally disastrous eruption.

I see it this way: Our influence on the planet is great. That is a surety. However we are becoming more and more aware of what is going on and what we are doing to the planet. The advances in our technology are exponential and the damage we are doing is actually slowing down. Now eventually we will develop technology to completely stop this damage and most likely reverse it. Hell by that time we should be able to re-populate the planet with clones of the critters we killed off and give them a chance to survive or die on their own.

But Jurassic Park? PFFT! That many dinosaurs from one mosquito? Whatever. And they gave Jeff Goldbloom work. It's a sin against nature, I tell you!

I read of "The War on Porn" that the government is undertaking. They are using tons of tax money to pursue lawsuits against even minor "violations". This in itself is a violation! It is a violation of free speech. If it continues we WILL have books banned for sure. There will be laws against speaking out against the government, eventually. I am not a purveyor or a seeker of porn, generally, but I can see that it has a vast audience and I believe that it should be perfectly legal in any case. But once you start restricting free speech where does it stop?

There are actually laws that state how you can have sex and how you can't! There was an incident in Georgia where someone was trying to get a law passed stating that a consenting adult woman could not have certain parts pierced if she so chose.

To me all this applies to the "War on Drugs" as well. It is so hypocritical to outlaw marijuana, for instance, when alcohol and its abuse has ramifications that are far worse. We would save so much money in so many ways if certain drugs were made legal. There would be far fewer problems, I am certain. Obviously outlawing it doesn't work, as people will do it anyway and you fill prisons with people who commit victim-less crimes.

There are so many liberties that so many people seek to take from us all because they think they know better than the citizens of this country.

It really bugs me how many people can't keep their fingers out of everyone else's pies. There is something in human behavior that makes it completely alien to live and let live. They have to subjugate, proselytize, and otherwise meddle in the lives of everyone in their spheres of influence. Empires, churches, and Reichs have been formed on the basis of subjugating another group. The Roman Empire, Nazi Germany, the British Empire, the Catholic church and many others have taken up the banner of stepping on someone else to execute their own agendas. Entire populations have been killed, burned, mutilated, tortured, gassed, enslaved, and buried in mass graves because someone couldn't live and let live.

On the other hand I can see meddling if someone is clearly subjugating another and taking away his or her rights. That is only right and proper. It's like standing up to a bully who is lording it over someone else just because he is stronger. Even if it "doesn't involve you" it is only right to step in and say, "Enough!" If you don't then you are not doing good. You are letting evil thrive.

Which brings to mind a comment I saw elsewhere:

I am certain that there are people in our government who were drooling over the attacks on the World Trade Center buildings because they wanted more freedom to restrict ours. Said potential tyrants probably had drafts of bills written up already to insert their own methods of "preventing terrorism" just in case something like that happened. And it was inevitable that it would happen. It was only a question of when and where. The primary villain in X-Men: United likely has many clones somewhere in our government, slavering over a chance to enact their own version of the mutant registration act.

Bush pisses me off repeatedly. He represents a lot of what I mean. His views are very clearly said to be fundamental Christian and he wants to impose these views on everyone in the United States, Christian or not. His "morality" does not match my own in any case. His statement about marriage is just a small facet of the rest of his unacceptable agenda. Honestly... What business is it of his who wants to marry who? Does it hurt anyone that this fellow wants to marry that fellow? I don't give one rat's ass about who thinks what is a "sin". Sin is a religious concept. Imposition on others' rights is what should be considered, not what is right in the eyes of whatever god some crackpot worships.

The imposition of religious outlook will lessen its strangle-hold someday. I hope. Eventually creationism will not be taught in schools except as a religious perspective, which it is. I know I have spoken about that before but it is a benchmark of influence and a pet peeve. If creationism is taught in schools then every major religion should have equal billing and their origins should be taught as well. This is honestly something that we don't have time for. Let it wait for Comparitive Religion in college. But not in a science class, for pete's sake.

I honestly don't want that shit taught as fact to my kids. If they want to learn of it in a church, that's fine. Otherwise, keep your religion off my kids.

links, kids, sydney, religion, politics, movies, rant, creationists

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