(no subject)

Apr 01, 2004 13:02

I saw this on krissi518's journal and took their little quiz.
Apparently I match up with Kerry and Kucinich both at 62% and Bush at 32%.
It is done by AOL and they are evil, though. So I wonder how much of it is slanted toward one party or another.

That is a relief, actually. Even though I consider myself conservative I could do without Bush' inability to think outside his Christian upbringing.

Hell I could do without Bush' inability to think.

I thought this thing about Dawn of the Dead was pretty funny:

Here's a groovy and aptly named site for fans of D&D:
Check out thos links, man!

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get carried away in your enthusiasm for your
search for answers to all of lifes questions.
You believe all of lifes mysteries can be
explained, and your emotional need for this
explanation leads you on your path to learn and
read as much as you can!

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links, politics, movies, aol, quiz, d&d, geekdom

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