What Precious Gem are you? (With high-quality pictures!) brought to you by
Quizilla Some of these quizzes are just off. At least some of them have some humor involved. But this one...
It looks like someone wasted a lot of time on appearance and left out the substance altogether.
The grammar and spelling in these makes me cringe.
I am kind of repeating myself from a response to a post by
elementalmuse and the other responses.
Some people think that some of the movies made recently are not artsy or creative enough but I have found many to be what quite a few of us have been waiting for for years. These kinds of movies are things like Starsky and Hutch and the comic book movies like Spiderman and Hulk.
I think one of the reasons they are making comic book based movies is that they can finally do it right. The effects and computer graphics technology is just right. See Lord of the Rings.
There are whole generations of comic book, sci-fi, and fantasy geeks like myself who have been drooling for years for this day to come. We have been insulted in the past by the likes of the old Spiderman, Captain America, and Superman just to name a few. What the hell were those people thinking? They even made that abomination of a series: The Hulk.
The reason old series are being made into movies are that the people who grew up watching them are in control of the purse strings, now. If they weren't worthwhile they wouldn't likely be successful. But from what I have seen they have been pretty good and have drawn money like they should have.
What really sucks is when a good movie is taken and made into a sucky series. Betelgeuse, Highlander, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer come immediately to mind. Though somehow the last two were popular and even had cult following. Go figure. Highlander's stinky series was a veritable come-back from the sequels of the first one. Wow. Those were awful.
I will say additionally that I would not mind one single bit if they started making good old space operas into modern movies. Things like Buck Rogers and Jon Carter of Mars would make wonderful additions to any geek's collection. And they would make money. And that is the bottom line. Some movies may be too much of one thing or another but what tells what people like, overall, is how much is drawn at the box office.
The Scooby Doo movie was mighty groovy. They really should do Dungeons and Dragons again, the way it was meant to be. Without the obviously contrived lack of violence. I am not saying make it gory, but come on!
There's nothing wrong with fulfilling this need. The fact that artists can take a chance on movies that would be a risk of resources, like The Fifth Element and recently Hellboy and Van Helsing, is a wonderful thing.
This is why I love being part of an economic democracy. Corporations might be in control of what is made or isn't but the final say is had by the consumer. There may be no accounting for taste at times, but you have to give the people what they want or you will fail utterly. Either conform to the market or make a market for your product. To do otherwise is to fall into obscurity and financial ruin. It's honestly as it should be.
Sometimes things don't fail that should. I see commercials and I wonder who paid for these things. Someone is getting over, I swear. But the products are, inexplicably, a success. It's almost fraud on a mass scale.
But each of our dollars is a vote. Sometimes we don't vote wisely but what is out there is a result of that voting.
This whole post was kind of disjointed but I do go on. :P