(no subject)

Feb 21, 2004 02:12

Happy Birthday, lachlan and january_dove!
For some reason Livejournal has disabled birthday reminders.

We finally got completely moved into the new place. The girls love it. There's plenty of room in the house and 10 acres of land attached to the thing. Awesome.

We have all the necessities: Phone, electricity, and internet. We are working on cable.

I was reminded tonight of some of the weird theories I have had as a kid. I still have some of them...

One of them, which I have had ever since I can remember, is that "loops" (i.e. rings, door frames, houses with two doors, and so on) form gates to alternate dimensions that are so similar to ours as to be indestinguishable. But if you pass through enough loops without going back through you can wind up in something different. I used to have a paranoia about passing through houses. I would have to come back the way I went. If I wore a ring I would wonder when it would be that I would pass my finger through and my counter-part on the other side wouldn't comply or might be missing said finger.

Yeah. I was a twisted little monkey...

Speaking of twisted:

Off with their heads! The Guillotine: Why waste time on torture,
that will end up with their deaths anyway? Life is too short.
Well, theirs is anyway.

What device of torture are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ah yes. The Guillotine. No muss, no fuss. Well a little bit of a mess but there are more messes to be had with more lengthy bouts of "interrogation". Additionally there's all that feeding, clothing(?), waste disposal, and other expenses incurred by keeping prisoners alive. Not to mention all those hirelings and experts of various sorts.

personality, me, david, quiz, weird

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