Confessions of an RPG Geek:

Feb 14, 2004 04:42

Ah! A purely RPG quiz with a lot of detail...

Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Score
CategoryYour ScoreAverageHacklust19.81%
Slew entire Asgardian Pantheon with one hand while blindfolded53.4% Sensitive Roleplaying18.99%
There is no player. There is only.... Zuul. 54.2%GM Experience19.57%
Worldbuilder, storyteller... Master. 69.2% Systems Knowledge52.68%
Guardian of the out-of-print game 90.1% Livin' La Vida Dorka24.14%
Carries dice in pocket 'just in case'62.9% You are 29.12% pure
Average Score: 68.5%
Take The Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Test
and see how you match up!

Yeah, it's true. I am a gamer geek. There's no doubt about that. Anyone that is around me for more than a few minutes might be able to tell you that. Everything I encounter gets scanned for possible use in gaming. I constantly have plot-lines and ideas simmering on my back burners. I dream the stuff.

I wrote Anthropology research papers on gaming and gamers, for heaven's sake. And I got an A+ on every single one of them. One of my Anthro professors served as a sounding board for monstrous culture.

I have sucked sundry people into this hobby and loved every minute of it. I have taught systems and served as a guide through the first delicate experiences. Stacy (jaydeja, Soul Mate) was one of them. Her first D&D game was a solo experience at the trailer I shared with lachlan. I DMed and she played a Paladin with amnesia. There was much tension that night, I can assure you, though each was unaware of the others' tension at the time.

I have played time-passing games based on D&D. You know the game where you list things starting with sequenced letters of the alphabet? I win those regularly based on various aspects on D&D and RPGs. Aboleth! Beholder! Carrion Crawler! Dragon! Elemental! Feyr! Golem! And so on...

I was first exposed to Role-playing when I was four and I never looked back. I pestered my uncle and my parents to let me play until they gave in. I ordered catalogs from comic books when I was five. I sat on the couch in our various living rooms for countless hours planning and designing and scheming. My mom and dad can tell you how wrapped up I was in the hobby.

Every friend I have ever been really close to I have met through D&D or similar RPGs. lachlan and his brother, jaydeja, and billazilla come to mind immediately. (And in chronological order...) Others have included people I will never forget. Some in a bad way, like Farris Wayne Thompson. I am sure he's changed. If he hasn't he's probably dead...

In high school my only real social activity was D&D. Sure I was in band, but I never even fit in with that particular set of geeks. I was in 4-H but come on! I played the trumpet and did projects on landscape design...

Even my frequent walks served me in the regard that I know how to describe wilderness and how to imagine it.

Yep...almost everything gets analyzed for game content before it gets stashed somewhere else.

And you know what? I am not giving it up. It will stay with me for the rest of my life. And I am proud of it! I hope my daughters pick it up later at least for a little while. It fosters thinking and knowledge.

My one true goal in life has always been to run a gaming store with my friends. I imagine a Game Store and Cyber Cafe type thing would do quite well in almost any larger city.

Yeah. My name is Martin. And I am proud to be a gamer!

roleplaying, bill, gaming, quiz, d&d, geekdom, david, education, harpy, college

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