You are Penny Arcade! Edgy and sarcastic, you cut
through the stupid mundanity of everyday life,
but mostly the world of computers and video
gaming. While you are hilariously funny, no one
will ever know if you never go outside. Put
down the controller and get some fresh air.
If you don't get the reference, check yourself out
at What Internet phenomenon are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Heh heh. I love that comic. I posted this mainly for the "King of No Pants" reference.
Good. You know your music. You should be able to
work at Championship Vinyl with Rob, Dick and
Do You Know Your Music (Sorry MTV Generation I Doubt You Can Handle This One) brought to you by
Quizilla I haven't been in Arizona, long, but I am already starting to dislike this little town. It seems that the people who are worthwhile here are drowned out by the complete idiots and products of in-breeding. I have become convinced that some people move to small towns so they can avoid the hazards of the larger cities. Most people here cannot drive worth a damn, for instance. If they lived anywhere with any traffic whatsoever they would probably be dead by now. You should see some of the slack-jawed expressions in this place.
Quite an overwhelming majority are nose-followers. You know the type. These people are the ones in malls and crowded areas who cannot look in a direction without going in that direction. They are also the ones that dodge unexpectedly and rudely in front of you, oblivious to others in the space. They walk backward a lot, as well. I know this seems to contradict their own rules regarding movement, but they do it. It's mind-boggling.
This town could have grown larger a long time ago if it weren't for the well-entrenched old fogies who don't like change. Wal-mart wanted to put a store here recently but was voted away due partly to interfering old busy-bodies and partly to the young apathetic who don't seem to mind the fact that this place doesn't change. You wouldn't know it to hear them though. Everyone here seems to have a problem with the way things are but won't do anything to change it.
One old lady wrote a letter to the editor complaining about the changes slated for railroad park. The changes included nothing more than a sprinkler system and a fence to keep kids off of the tracks. Her primary bitch was that the fellow who takes care of the park would be out of a job. But somehow she neglected to care enough to find out that he does it for free.
And the mayor is crooked. He recently was found to have put about 100,000 dollars into an account for himself and a council member from town money. What a pension! He also forbade police from responding to a certain section of the outskirts of the city to coerce them into voting to have themselves and their land annexed by the city itself. Of course he and the council are up on some serious charges more than these... The only reason I know this is because Jodi's friend has a boyfriend on the force, here.
Don't get me wrong. There are quite a few good, honest, hard-working, and intelligent people here. But it only takes a few in a town this small to screw it up for everyone. This doesn't even begin to touch on the illegal alien population in this place. And anyone who knows me will know my stance on that. I think I have mentioned something about a 50-foot wall topped with razor-wire on the border...
Nope. I don't plan on being here for long. And Jodi agrees. We are both spoiled to city living. Not BIG city living. I figure Savannah might be prefect for us. I wouldn't really give a damn if the mayor was corrupt there or how many old people had opinions on what-have-you that would interfere with growth. That place is about as big as I need it and it would be groovy to live in or near it. It's just a cool place with a cool feel to it.