(no subject)

Sep 10, 2003 03:14

You are the premire blood-sucker, Dracula.
You are the vampire to which all others strive to be.
Thought to be a general in a great army long ago, it has recently
been discovered that you were Judas Iscariot, cast away for your
crimes against Christ. He made the world in his image, now you
make it in yours. You give "his children" more then just eternal
life, you give them all the pleasure he denied them.
What is your vampire alter-ego?
brought to you by Quizilla

Now why the hell would someone think that Dracula was Judas Iscariot? I don't remember reading that in the book! It's probably some kind of crap where someone takes liberties with another's character...

I am surprised White Wolf didn't try to sue this quiz-maker. Hell I am surprised they didn't try to sue Bram Stoker or the peasants of the Dark Ages...

Your magical style is Magus.

What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

Congratulations, you're a Satyr, a lusty woodland fae.
What kind of male faerie are you?
Take the male faerie quiz by Paradox.

You are a werewolf.

What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox

Well Rick is all over my ass about my losing both my Driver's License and my security officer's license. He has called here numerous times with comments that lead me to think he thinks I lost my wallet on purpose just to screw with him and make his life miserable. He has no balls. He is scared of his own shadow and he thinks that anything will get him in trouble. Ah well. Being a coward is one way to go, I guess. I just don't see how so many people can just live life being so damned timid all the time.

I was about thirty minutes late for work today. I overslept because I got to sleep around 8 pm and forgot to set my alarm clock. That makes me having about three and a half hours of sleep right now. I think the only thing keeping me awake right now is posting here and the excitement of this being the last day of work this week.

Someone (aniviel) helped me realize that I commit each of the Seven Deadly Sins every day! Wow. But then I generally participate in the Seven Heavenly Virtues as well. It doesn't really matter though. I am not Christian. I mean it's good to live a good life and help people and be productive and all. But I just cannot feel guilt over something I have in my head upon which I don't act. Well except for Sloth. I act that out a lot.

But I cannot find myself feeling guilty about feeling things. This is one of the reasons I would make such a bad Christian, I guess. As far as I am concerned there is no such thing as a victimless crime. If you do something and it doesn't hurt anyone then is it really that bad? This is one of the many reasons I am for making most drugs legal. I wonder how Marijuana and LSD got such a damned bad rap when Alcohol and Tobacco kill off so many people every day. I have never heard of anyone going into a marijuana induced rage and beating their wife and kids...

Of course over-indulgence in things can be bad for you. Hate (and all the variations on it, such as greed) can poison you and make you a bitter, nasty person. It feels much better to love and to be loved. But you can't really expect to be loved if you are a bitter and nasty person, can you? People waste effort on hating things, I think. Hate should be reserved for the truly deserving. Then you can feel good about it. Righteous! And that is where the Virtue of Justice comes in. See where this is going? *grin*

I need to get out and explore more. I don't mean physically. I mean spiritually. I will be going to the Full Moon Ritual tomorrow evening. It should prove interesting at least.

I also need to determine my primary "totem" or "spirit representative". I know you don't choose them, they choose you, etc. But it's kind of important. For various reasons. Anyone have any ideas on where to start? I know there are books out there for this kind of thing...on-line resources and so on...but I tend to look for information of this kind from other sources. Books are all well and good but you are generally getting the opinion of one person. However high that opinion may be held in the eyes of the general public, it's still just that: An opinion. Just because a person is Charismatic does not mean they are right (e.g. Hitler). And I believe in this, as in many things, one should follow one's own path to enlightenment. Even if others walk it with me and guide me, it's still my path.

I don't know. I have seen a lot of stuff out there and the word "eclectic" gets thrown around so much. I wonder if some of these people using it actually know what it means. :P

I still don't know as much as I want to, but I have a nice basis in religion in general. Heck I know more about Christianity than most Christians.

I understand how things work and why they work for the most part. Symbolism has a lot of power for many reasons. Just ask any Advertising Executive.

Look lively!

links, quiz, philosophy, comics, religion

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