(no subject)

Sep 09, 2003 02:15

In a weird, but groovy, converging of events every light I came to tonight was green. As a result I was fifteen minutes early. It was cool, anyway.

It is good to know that I will not be working the same dull job for the rest of my life. I see some of these guys that are doing this now and I wonder how they got there. There's one guy here who has done a few things in his life and has nothing to show for his life but this job. He goes to Cripple Creek every now and then to blow his paycheck on gambling.

At least I know by the time I am his age I might have grandchildren by then, even if I might be poor. Hopefully I will avoid that little trap and at least be able to live comfortably within my own means by that time.

I kind of have to put my education on hold for now. But not for long. I will be moving at some point and I will want to establish residency there. It'll give me a chance to get settled in and get used to actually living. Right now I feel as if I am waiting to live. I feel kind of like a zombie for lack of anything better to do.

I had heard that the military benefits for full-time students are more significant than I had thought. This would definitely be a good thing. It's one of the only things I have to show for my years in the military besides some moderately interesting stories about pulling guard in Eastern European nations. Well and some changes in my personality. Not many changes but nine years being stuck with a bunch of Infantry will do something to you.

I like working at night when I am alone. There is little to bug me here except when the new shift rolls around and people start coming in. The thing I don't really like is that I am here right next to the console and the shift manager comes out far too often. He's one of the obnoxious smokers. He takes a break every thirty minutes or so. I am surprised he is not gummed up with the tar off those things. I have a theory that he is lonely in there and can only take so much solitude. I am quite the opposite. I come out may be three times at night if I need to. I am quite happy with just sitting there amid the hums and beeps, catching up on reading and research on the internet. And if I were to be going to class this would be perfect for studying. I am also on MSN messenger right now. Crazy, man. I can actually get email alerts. Very handy.

My time here has made on-line comic reading easy. I have numerous ones that I keep up with. I also collect links and send them to myself. Sometimes I get pages and pages of them, especially if I am googling for cool images. My only problem is that I don't follow through sometimes when I get home and save the information that I was supposed to look up. Ah well. It gives me something to do when I get free time...like when I have nights off and have nothing better to do. I am still kind of looking for things to do on those nights if anyone has suggestions. I currently have weight-lifting, computer gaming, and walking around on the list. There is honestly not a lot to do at night unless you are the club type.

I have promised that I won't walk around Cheyenne Canyon at night unless I have someone with me. This Coumadin I am taking would make an accident rather interesting. I am a drug-induced bleeder. Which reminds me that I have yet to order my medic-alert bracelet to let emergency workers know that I am taking the stuff.

I went by the DMV to have my license replaced and I find that my birth certificate is really not. It's in card form and they wouldn't take it. I have to send off for it now. *grumbles* But I could apparently use my DD-214 if it didn't say, "Not to be used as identification" or my marriage license if I had it. The other options are passport or divorce decree. I wonder if my first marriage's dissolution paperwork are still hanging out somewhere...

In other news I think my irritability is getting a little out of hand. I am thinking it could be a combination of my chemical state mixed with being bored and lonely. I have also been kind of jonesing for a good game of D&D.

My teeth are tingling. I feel like I need to bite something.

me, work, school, fitness, career, comics, army

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