Jun 13, 2012 14:51
When Christians tell me (or even think that) I am going to hell, or even imply it by saying I am a "lost soul", it's not with the caveat that they hope they are wrong. They tell me that they think their god is as cruel and vain as it can be in making me, a good person who loves people and helps others, be tortured for all eternity because I dared doubt (with a brain that their god allegedly supplied) something for which there is absolutely no evidence.
They are hoping that they are right about the after-life and that they will be rewarded for believing in this evil, all while believing that I, a man who hopes for peace and love for all of humanity, stands up for what I believe, and works to help others, will burn in hell for eternity.
It's really a wonder more people don't see what's wrong with this idea. This kind of thinking is squarely in the camp of evil. They might hope that I come around to their ways of thinking, but even then, I would be kissing the ass of some vain, stupid child of a deity who needs my subservience to recognize my goodness.
But god works in mysterious ways, right?