(no subject)

Apr 27, 2007 09:40

I have formed a hypothesis:

I think that a lot of people are into a lot of things strictly for the attention it brings them. This may seem obvious to quite a few of us but I am putting it down right now that I think a large percentage of certain groups are merely in it for the attention and the feeling of "righteous indignation" they get by being a "persecuted minority".

This applies to:
The eating disorder folk.
Emo folk
Victims of any psychological disorder.

Among others. Many others.

Now I am not saying that it applies to all of the people or even a large portion of any particular group. But some WAY more tham others. Like furries. I think you could even make a mathematical model: The more persecuted a lifestyle choice, the more these people will flock to that group and adopt that lifestyle. The more vocal the individual about the lifestyle, the more chance that person has of being one of these fakes. The more common-place something is, the fewer of these parasites a group will have, by percentage.

What would you call these guys? They're more than just attention whores. Misery vampires? Crucifixion chameleons? Pity parasites? Mock martyrs?

Enough with the asinine alliteration.

But I think you see what I am saying here. I actually think that if you could look into the hearts of the people in any given group, there would be a surprisingly small sliver of those who actually belong there and a disproportionately large section of those who are not in it for the right reasons. Right reasons...that's a laugh in a some of these cases.

philosophy, psychology

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