(no subject)

Jul 26, 2006 13:41

Jodi finally got her character transferred to her account. We played together today for the first time on her main. It was pretty awesome. Mostly we're spending a lot of time synching up her warrior and my priest, getting them on the same page, quest-wise. I suppose I will keep my others solo, for now. Urgluk's been raiding a lot in Molten Core and Zul'gurub. He got his first Giantstalker piece last night. About damned time. He's been passed up for that far too often.

We have a couple other sets of characters, one is a shaman/hunter combo and another is a warrior/warlock combo. I am the first one of those pairings in each case. I am good at keeping myself alive, so my warrior in that case keeps the enemy occupied while she makes it hurt a lot.

It's a lot of fun playing WoW with your significant other. I highly recommend it. I'd actually rather go around with her on my alts than raid on Urgluk. It'd be cool if a few of my other friends played on the same server, but I am sure they have less time than I do at the moment. ;)

We've even let Sydney roll up a character. She's got a hunter she's names Wendicity. Her goal for now is to make her own mechanical squirrel.

world of warcraft, me, kids, jodi

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