Death of my cell phone

Mar 05, 2004 15:50

MY CELL PHONE BROKE! I feel lost and empty without it.  Now I can't text during boring classes, or even call people.  It's so bad.  I am one with my cell phone.  Wow, this is sad.  I am so dependant on a piece of technology.  It's just like the computer.  It would die if I didn't have my computer.  Today, AIM wasn't working, and I almost started freaking out.  What was I going to do without procrastinating on AIM?  It turned out that there was a problem with DeadAIM, so I just had to get rid of that.  But seriously, our age relies way to heavily on technology.

Well the play is tonight.  hmm..yeah.  I just can't wait for this to be over.  I am so tired and exausted from the play.  
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