
Jul 01, 2006 11:00

Oh my, I should be smacked.
It's been forever.
I'm never going to remember anything.
Saturday June 17th was my birthday.
Cody and I went to Liverpool, then out for supper at Swiss Chalet, they sang me happy birthday and I got a free sundae.
That night I think we just hung out in Mahone bay, then went out town.

My sister came home. Trent brought his wicked car down.
We had supper and ice cream cake.
I gave Brandon a present because it was his bday next weekend, he liked it.
That night we were suppose to go to the movies, but that didn't happen, so Cody, Alan, Mike and I went out town for a bit.

Monday.. Work. Probably around Mahone bay that night.

Tuesday, work, then I went out with Michael.

Wednesday, Work.

Thursday, I was off, Crystal came home, we did my hair, then went crusin' around.
That night Cody, Michael, Alan, Draper and I went to see Toyko Drift.
WICKED!!! That movie was amazing.. And Vin Diesel was in it. Mmmm

Friday, worked.. dunno..

Saturday, I took that gay DDC.. Uh.
I'd rather be dead.
Worked that night.

Sunday, Cody, Michael and I went to the City, to play Mini Golf at the putting edge.
Michael almost knocked out a kid with his ball... hahaha
We went to East Side Marios for supper, MMmmmmmmm. It was awesome.
Hung around Mahone bay.

Monday, work, then I went out with Michael.

Tuesday, same as Monday.

Wednesday, Work.. Then Cody and I went out town and Mike tagged along, since Alan was working.
Stayed at his place for a bit.

Thursday, worked.. Hung around that night in the bay.

Friday, worst day ever.
Work was retarded. It's kinda funny though.. People might starve.
Got out of there. Cody and I went with Alan W in his Bronco 4x4... haha!
They were digging as I was laughing.
Tyler had to come pull us out with his wicked Jeep.
Mmmm Jeep.
Got back to the bay and took Jess' car for a drive. She wants me to buy it.
I did good. Stalled it a few times, but once I got pissed off, it worked.
All I could do was laugh.
We drove around for about 30 minutes.
It was wicked.
Cody, Alan, Michael, Jess and I went out town.
Got pizza.
Drove the dirt roads.
I got home around 3.

Today.. Up too early.. ugh.
I don't know what I'm doing yet.
Off for 3 days.

Gotta enjoy myself, since people are trying to put me down.
People that have no lives.. or have horrible lives want to see me upset.
Well guess what, IT'S NOT WORKING.
Suppositly, I'm in a hole, and I will have to get myself out, because people claim that since I want to hang around Michael, that I'm in love with him and I don't love Cody anymore..
Come on now, if anyone knows me, they know that last year I didn't got 3 hours without seeing Michael, we are GREAT friends and I'd do anything for that boy, and I don't plan on going with him since hes 5 years younger then me.
He wants to be around me because I care about him.. he claims more than what his own mother does.
But it's getting retarded.
Everyone says they are on Codys side... Ummm lets rethink that, THERES NOT A CODY'S SIDE, Considering HES ON MY SIDE... He doesn't mind Mike hanging out with us.. He knows Michael and I are really good friends.. He knows I'm not going to go for Michael.
Frigging people are RETARDED.
"Oh my life sucks, I can't stand to see Megan so happy, shes got it all, a bf, a best friend that would do anything for her, a job where she can work more then 2 shifts a week, and a vehicle and lots of money saved up because shes smart.. I better make her look bad by telling her bf that she loves someone else"
Where would I get time to love someone else... considering I'm with Cody every free minute I got, and about a week ago because I started hanging out with Michael by myself everyone thought that was horrible because they thought that since we were together so much, that we wouldn't last because we would get sick of eachother and fight.. so when I take the time to spend with someone else, rumors fly and people start to start shit.. Please someone tell me where this all makes sense?
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