Sep 16, 2012 22:31
So finally after much worry and anxiety this week, my layreading at church was done this morning. My church family is very supportive, and seemed to not understand how I could possibly have worry. Reading, talking, I do that all the time in my job. Layreading in the Episcopal Church is so much more than just reading. Mo. Stephanie considers it a sharing of the leadership. Thank goodness there is a curriculum (note I did not say script) but then you still have to be on your toes in case the unexpected happens. I got to worrying so much about the other parts that I almost forgot to give time to at least a little study of the readings.
What really made everything go so well is the love my church family.
When I'm involved in a play, especially directing it, I always remind the actors on opening night that the people in the audience really are rooting for them. Nobody paid good money hoping to see a bad show.
With the church family it felt 9x better than that. Not only are they wishing all goes well, they are praying for it, especially those that know we have too few layreaders and need more.
It has been so long since I've done something scary, I'd forgotten my reactions. I made it through just fine, as God is good and took perfect care of me. In the foyer of our church we have a small kneeler with candles and just enough room for prayer and reflection as needed. It was perfect for the fact that I needed to fall on my knees right about then and cry through the last of all that pent up emotion.
I did Not: trip the priest, spill the wine on anyone or the floor, break anything, or fall off any of the endless step ups.