Jul 20, 2010 09:45
The scoping went well in that nothing went wrong. Hey, I live with the offspring of Puddleglum and Eyore thank you. The doctor reported in that they saw the duct give forth some debris, but no visable stones. Okay. This means either the stone in question has moved on anyway, or that it was something small enough that the dr. didn't see it, or it was never a stone bothering the pancreas anyway. Obviously, the last one is the one we don't want. It means we wait and see if Preston has another incident. He asked could he eat anything now. The dr. (yea!) said it's like poking a snake with a stick, you just don't know when or if it'll strike. Since Preston and I have both lost weight, he's reporting excellent BG sugar numbers and over all health better, you see how I would prefer us staying on the low fat diet. Preston even said to the dr. "sounds like we should continue staying around 40 grams of fat a day". I was proud. Of course, it's food fear on Preston's part, but I'm okay with that.