Jul 13, 2010 09:47
So the gastrologist believes Preston has some left over gall stones in his bile duct. The bile duct is left when the gallbladder is taken. I don't know why other than it's easier to leave it there. It isn't making new stones, but the ones left have no place to go but the pancreas when it feels like it. So, the dr. scopes through the throat, and sends his little tools down there too. He cuts the tip of the duct, sends up a little deflated balloon then inflates it and pulls out any stones. Worst case scenario, it causes a flare up of the pancreatitis. Well, they watch him for 6 hours after to see if there is any flare, and they'll keep him in the hospital if there is. AND, he gets to do this Monday, his birthday.
I admit concern that Preston may think he can eat anything after this is done. He's doing good with no fried food, and low fat, I don't want to go back.