Well it's been a while - to say the least.
I'm stopping in to say hello to my original friend life outlet. Also giving a little update. Actually I can just say what I'm doing right now because so much has happened.. it would be a really long long entry haha.
I went to Cancun last weekend with my boyfriend James. It was an incredible time, literally the perfect vacation. I don't know how it could have been any better. I just love mexicans, they make me so happy. So many people kept asking us if we were on our honeymoon. And we just laughed and said "No.." and every person said "Oh okay, just practicing?" Haha cute. We were staying at a 4-5 star resort and the package was all inclusive.. so all of our drinks were free, and there were 3 awesome restaurants we could eat at within the resort. The FOOD was so amazing, I can't begin to describe how tantalizing it all was. It was really disappointing to come back and start eating regular boring food haha. Me and James had a 5-meal-a-day plan to capitalize on our investment, which was easier to do than you'd think! And the water was SO beautiful and warm and amazing. I could go on.. but here are a couple pictures.
In other news, I'm moving back to East Lansing in August and going back to MSU. I'm excited to be back in the university atmosphere, but not excited to be living in EL again. I really love Ferndale and the surrounding areas of Detroit.. the area just makes me feel really at peace. So it's kind of a bummer in that sense, but I'm really excited for the things I'm doing to propel my life in a positive way. I'm taking summer classes through MSU right now, which is kind of crazy because they're only 7 weeks so it moves pretty fast. All things together I will be applying for the nursing program next spring, so fingers crossed. I wish I wasn't behind.. but for a couple years I have really just worked too much and only been part time in school. It's a difficult balance - but I finally decided that loans are okay, and that I want to just get school out of the way.
James will be going to U of M so I'm really excited for him, but it's also a little sad. It shouldn't be that difficult to see eachother, it's only 45 minutes away. But it's still intimidating. We're both excited for eachother. The support that he gives me makes everything I do so much easier.
Other than that, it's really nice being 21.. I can have a beer when I want! Actually I was buying beer yesterday and when I left the liquor store a young guy came up and said "Excuse me, miss.. would you mind buying me some alcohol?" I felt bad but I told him no, because that's really kind of a weird situation, especially if I don't know you. Haha he looked so awkward though, aw.
My cat is fat, but very lovable. My life is really going well right now. It's nice to do things for yourself and realize your potential. I think you will find what you seek, and it's nice to finally be in the right frame of mind to seek the things that will make me happy.
I hope that you guys are all doing well.
Conlon, out!
Oh, also James got so drunk the last night that he peed the bed. Luckily we were sleeping in separate beds.. but it was maybe the funniest thing that's ever happened. Here is him on the plane ride home, oh the glory of it.