Megaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, I know you'll be in DC then, but that's no good for me to get there because of rush hour and having to be back around 530 for my producing class. Now that sucks.
also, i wouldn't even be able to get near you due to security.
so i'll have to do without, knowing you're only hanging out about 20 minutes away.
i miss you too, and i will definitely work on a film for you to be in.
Comments 2
come to dc!
I know you'll be in DC then, but that's no good for me to get there because of rush hour and having to be back around 530 for my producing class. Now that sucks.
also, i wouldn't even be able to get near you due to security.
so i'll have to do without, knowing you're only hanging out about 20 minutes away.
i miss you too, and i will definitely work on a film for you to be in.
should it be artsy?
god if i could come to london, i would.
have a safe flight.
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