Dec 09, 2004 00:05
i feel nauseaus and my tummy hurts. just got home from work. had a like 40 minute call with a stupid customer. he had been watching his account balance with had been a credit balance of $20. his account cycled and we applied the charges for his usage and overage today. when we assessed the $170 it caused his spending limit balance to go over $150 so we suspended him(per his account type doesn't allow balance(billed and unbilled usage) to exceed $150---credit challenged people). He wouldn't let me explain that. He didn't get it. I considered changing his voicemail language to spanish cause its not traceable...;) evil grin.
fucking retard. if tmobile listened to that call, i'd probably get a bueno. or fired. mucho no bueno. i tried and tried to be patient with him but he wouldn't accept that his account charges would take his spending limit balance over $150 and therefore get his account suspended. FUCKING IDIOT. I should've sent him an ID10t error message...oh, i WOULD get fired for that...:P, NOW!!