Yes, I'm pregnant. Yes, I've gained. And yes, I'm so frickin damned proud of it.
So far I have managed to gain about 30-35 pounds, depending on what time of day you weigh me. How amazing is that!!!!??? I was really actually quite worried about the whole weight-gaining thing because of the CF and managing blood sugars, etc.
But let's just say I'm rocking it. I am right in target for weight gain for a twins pregnancy. The little boys are growing so nicely and they are perfect weights. Not only that, but they both continue to grow as if they had the place to themselves in there (although I'm told that their growth starts to taper a bit here, you know, the whole running out of room thing). They are both probably around 4lbs each now. That's a lot of baby. A lot of healthy, adorable baby.
So not only am I rocking it, and the boys are rocking it, but I love it. I love being pregnant. I'm the lady that has all those cheesy pregnancy shorts with lame puns, and can't get enough of it. One of Jordan's favourite pictures of pregger-megger (as he calls me) is me rocking out in a team baby shirt with a giant plate of nachos in front of me. Hawt. I also love wearing the nice form fitting shirts that really show off my awesome belly.
I'm just so proud of it.
So why this entry...?
Well my dad and stepmom are both currently staying with us. They're leaving to head back to Mexico tomorrow (they retired there). But BOTH of them have made weight comments to me. BOTH of them. Seriously? My dad informed me it was good that we have exercise equipment at home so I can try to lose the weight quickly once they are born. My stepmom told me that it was good that I only seemed to gain "belly weight". They both said it was good that I didn't "go crazy" with the weight gain and that I looked good because I was not getting too fat.... Really????!!!! Does that actually happen still? Do people actually tell other people this? There are so many things wrong with this. (1) Fuck you and your weight issues. I have gained a healthy amount of weight that has helped grow two healthy little boys. This is what is supposed to happen. (2) I look amazing. Deal with it. (3) Do you realize just how high risk of a pregnancy I technically am on paper.....????? CF, CF-related diabetes, twins pregnancy with a shared placenta.... That's enough to make some OBs run out the door. And I have had the smoothest pregnancy with zero complications. I have worked my ass off to gain this weight and to keep my A1C amazingly low. My diabetes is the best it's ever been. And you're worried about a little extra weight? Really? (4) Telling a pregnant lady (high risk level aside) that she needs to quickly lose her baby weight is wrong for so many reason. I am doing a pretty incredible thing growing two little humans. Tell me I look great (because I do). Also, please don't perpetuate society's negative weight issues on me. I see that enough in everyday life. I need a family that will support me and not put me down for gaining NORMAL pregnancy weight. Women have it hard enough with weight issues. I don't need that from family, especially when there's not even an issue. especially when I have worked so hard to gain this amazing weight. especially when I will need it to support breast feeding, which I hope I can at least give a solid go. especially because being a healthy weight is important for my own health and well-being, and keeping my lung function nice and strong.
Rant over. I'll leave you with a picture of my smiling sidekick.