(no subject)

Jun 04, 2005 20:34

Porn Star Names:
Megan: Candy Coxx( I LOVVVVEE this name, I finally get a cool name)
Neko: Spanky Bottoms( Hahahha, I love it)
Holden: Tight Cherry
Jack: Sindee Slickbooty
Claire: Rhonda Rimmer
Emily: Auntie Tata
Sam: Karen Kung- fu Grip( LMAO)
Lily: You got the same thing as Holden. Why is it doing that.
Kara: Jenny Jiggles( HAHAHHA, Heee)
Alicia: Mary Muffmuncher
Cathy: Sandra Spreadum
Aly: Tight Cherry

Girl Parts Names:
Megan: The Vice of love
Neko: Passion Flower
Holden: The Cock pit( Heee)
Jack, I had to change your name to Jackie cuase you still got the same thing as Neko: Clamburger
Claire: Love Muffin( Sexy)
Emily: Little Sister
Sam: Fluffy( Awww, it's perfect for you cuase your innocent)
Lily, I canged you name to Lilykins so you won't get the same thing as Holden: Furby
Kara: Sam ething as Lily
Alicia: Fandango( Me likey)
Cathy: Delta of Venus
Aly: The Cock pit

Sex Name:
Megan: Zwooshing the Swoosh( Ok? *looks*)
Neko: Riding the Hobby Horse ( Heee)
Holden: Filling the Creme Doughnut( I'm sure you did that with Daddy.lol)
Jack: Drilling for Oil
Claire: Playing Tickle me Pickle me
Emily: Rockin The Casbah( I love it)
Sam: Having a squeeze and a squirt
Lily: The Humpty Dance ( Yay!)
Kara: Same thing as Lilys...again.
Alicia: Giving The Dog a Bone
Cathy: Same thing as Holden. *looks*
Aly: Filling the Creme Doughnut. This seems to be a popular name.

Well, I'm going to do the Penis name one. Cuase it's awesome.. even tho were not guys, just pretend to be:
Megan: 100% All-Beef Thermometer
Neko: Big Lebowski( Oh yea)
Holden: Little Juan
Jack: Meat 'n' Potatoes
Claire: Curious George( Ooo, Claire is curious. *eyebrows*)
Emily: Beefy McManstick
Sam: Free Willy( Hee)
Lily: Elvis
Kara: Same as Lilys. I guess Lily is your twin instead of Sam.
Alicia: Gummi Worm( Sounds Tastey)
Cathy: Ivan the Terrible
Aly: Little Juan

One more. Gah, I'm so obssessed with these things.
Hippie Chick Name:
Megan: Aurora( Ooo, sounds excotic)
Neko: Morning
Holden: Saga
Jack: Juniper
Claire: Magnolia( Me likey)
Emily: Sunflower( Pretty)
Sam: Journey
Lily: Solstice
Kara: Same thing as Lils,againnnnnnnnn.
Alicia: River
Cathy: Wintersweet
Aly: Saga

Cuase I'm Curious of what the names of my fav. celebs are.
Porn Star Name
Rachel Bilson: Ima Cumming( Sexxxxxy)
Mila Kunis: Mary Muffmuncher. Heh.
Elisha Cuthbert: Cumisha Jones
Adam Brody: Rod Steel( Heee)
Ryan Reynolds: Private Dick. HEEEEEEE!!
Ben Mckenzie: Dan Rather

Girls part names:
Rachel: Miss Pussy. Hell yeah!!!!!!. That's my girl.
Mila: Fandago
Elisha: The flaming Lips

Penis Name
Adam: Meat 'n'n Potatoes
Ryan: Little Juan. Aww, he got little. :(
Ben: Anaconda. HELL YEAH!!!!

Sex Name
Rach: Praying With the knees upward
Mila: Giving the Dog a Bone
Elisha: Having a bit of Sugar Stick. She is sweet. *eyebrows*
Adam: Drilling For Oil
Ryan: Filling the Creme Doughnut. That is what he's doing to me.
Ben: The Wink Wink Nudge Nudge. Mmmhmm.

Boobie names for my ladies
Rach: Love Muffins
Mila: Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Elisha: Silk and Satin

Stripper names
Rach: Candi. I want sex and cannndyy.
Mila: Paris. Eh.
Elisha: Peaches. Aww
Adam: Mocha
Ryan: Muse
Ben: Red

Hippie Chick names
Rach: Fiona
Mila: River
Elisha: Mystery

Hippie Dudes
Adam: Silver
Ryan: Polaris
Ben: Garcia

Now I'm finally done. Sorry it's long, but it's intersting, right?
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