...And She And Billy Joe Was Throwin' Somethin' Off The Talahachie Bridge

Jul 01, 2005 22:44

Well, I haven't updated in a bit. Summer is already kinda tiring out for me. I mean, I love to have the freedom and I love to be able to come and go but waking up late and lounging around all day does grow tiring. Sometimes I pick up a pencil and wish to God that I had some homework or something so that I could write anything. I love to write and when I have no ideas and nothing is really peaking my interest I would definetly love to write one of Callahan's essays. *sigh*

My cat is definetly attacking my pants right now and I have a feeling that any second he is going to slice me open. Haha. David just left and I'm just trying to find something to entertain me for an hour or so before I hit the hay. I don't know.

I finished reading Ode to Billy Joe. Let me start of by saying that I was picked on through the entire ending because I could not stop crying for poor Billy Joe. My dad looked right at me as the tears streamed from my eyes and said, and I quote, "Jee Meg, really looks like an EXCELLENT book. Please, let me read it after you." What a jerk, eh? There is a really great song called Ode to Billy Joe and it by a woman who tells the story...much shorter of course. But since I've read the novel I can't help but cry my eyes out every time I hear it. Mom started playing it on our way to the mall today and I was like "Nooo...I'm driving...can't be blinded by tears!" And totally forced her to shut it off.

On a much more serious note..I have so much going on in my head, ya know, all of these thoughts. I just need to get them all out on paper. You wouldn't believe how much that helps...sometimes I feel like I just need to be saved from myself...

ode to billy joe - bobbie gentry

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