I met Macy's form teacher and English teacher last Friday. I was actually quite impatient to hear what they have to say about my chilli padi because unlike Megan, I am not familiar with Victoria's system, teachers or even her classmates' parents. So I have no feedback except for the bus mother who says that Macy is a very good girl in the bus. She will sing all the way to school and when she comes home, the bus mother says in Cantonese," 林慈很喜欢睡觉。" ( She likes to sleep, wonder who she got that trait from.)
I met her English teacher first, Ms Amber. She is very pleased with Macy, says that she is a very happy child in school, talks alot (that must be me lah..), likes painting and water play, loves the reading corner. She says that Macy would rush to the corner, grab and book and macham like a dai ga jie, read the book to all her friends in English, pointing out the characters or things in the book. Haha... I thought that was really funny because she must have gotten that from Megan reading to her. And Ms Amber says that her friends will gather around her and just listen to her. Woah... can you beat that?
Ms Ng, her form teacher, who teaches her in Cantonese, also mentioned about her being a magnet of the class, likes to do a lot of funny things which captures the attention of her classmates. She says that Macy does it unintentionally but her actions are so cute that her classmates will follow. She showed me a picture of Macy arranging the coloured rubber coils on the floor with many of her classmates just looking on. She said that initially, Macy had problem grabbing all the coils and kept dropping them. Later on, she thought for a moment and started putting all the coils through her two arms. Ms Ng says that when she plays, she uses her brains and imagination to do things... Daddy heard that and was extremely proud of her. Her language has improved leaps and bounds, although her articulation is still not too clear, but I can see more usage of words in her daily conversation, with drips and draps of Cantonese and Mandarin.
She has been coming home and singing all her Cantonese and Chinese songs. It is really cute to hear because of the way she pronounces it. She was singing 太阳伯伯 in Cantonese and I thought she was singing 太阳怕怕, until I asked Ms Ng what was she singing. Yesterday, we brought the girls to Quarry Bay where there is this al fresco dining by the waterfront. As usual, they scooted off to the playground and Macy found this girl her age to play. Megan was happily on the swing I was seated nearby when I heard a very loud and recognisable voice saying in Cantonese,"yi dou ah!" means come this way Both Ed and I burst out laughing cos she didn't say anything else to the girl in Cantonese but yi dou ah!
However, Ms Ng also mentioned that she is rather 硬颈(Stubborn)If she won't do it, means she won't do it. No amount of coaxing will make her change her mind. I told her she is like that at home too, and the countless fighting with Megan.... because she will always fight with Megan over things that are Megan's. That is another big headache which I have yet to update.
But on the whole, I feel that she is coping very well in school and I am just pleased to know that she is happy in school and eager to learn. I guess I will leave her in Victoria till it is time to move her to SIS in 2006, if I can.
...........Yi dou ah!...............